Marching Band

Need a leader to drive this with PASSIONā€¦ I understand that there is money needed for so many things, but folks that give for a band may not be the same folks that give for football. Is there any discussion on this outside of the ninernation and rivals sites? Need an advocate of the arts that want to offer opportunities for non athletes to enjoy the experience. Someone want to write an editorial for the observer? Time to be creative and get word out.[/quote]

From what I have seen, there is not enough passion to take the lead on this and push for it. The music department is pointing their fingers at the AD and doing nothing. The AD looked at it and has tabled it until who knows when. I would love to hear a plan for the marching band. It really takes away from teh football atmosphere not having a marching band.[/quote]
Doing some quick math, if it costs $250,000 per year to field a marching band, and there are 15,000 people attending six home gamesā€¦ thatā€™s a $2.78 surcharge per seat. I think I can afford that.[/quote]$250k is $1667 per band member with a 150 person band. I want to see a break-down of the expenses because I cannot imagine why it would cost that much per year.

Need a leader to drive this with PASSIONā€¦ I understand that there is money needed for so many things, but folks that give for a band may not be the same folks that give for football. Is there any discussion on this outside of the ninernation and rivals sites? Need an advocate of the arts that want to offer opportunities for non athletes to enjoy the experience. Someone want to write an editorial for the observer? Time to be creative and get word out.[/quote]

From what I have seen, there is not enough passion to take the lead on this and push for it. The music department is pointing their fingers at the AD and doing nothing. The AD looked at it and has tabled it until who knows when. I would love to hear a plan for the marching band. It really takes away from teh football atmosphere not having a marching band.[/quote]
Doing some quick math, if it costs $250,000 per year to field a marching band, and there are 15,000 people attending six home gamesā€¦ thatā€™s a $2.78 surcharge per seat. I think I can afford that.[/quote]Would be higher, canā€™t count in student tickets into that equation.

Iā€™m surprised people are still surprised this isnā€™t happening now.

Until someone is willing to put the pieces (one of which is fund raising) in place, games at McColl-Richardson are subject to local HS bands.

Further, if youā€™ve spent even part of one mens hoops game in Halton, it is clear the pep band is the same as its always beenā€¦incredibly so-so. They arenā€™t bad, but there is certainly NOTHING Iā€™ve ever heard that would encourage me to tell others about our pep band.

The concept of music around a 49ers athletic event has never been a priority. They spend the bare minimum on the current pep band. Why would they start now?

Would love to see a Marching Band, but kind of fear who make the selection of that band director. Need someone bold and very different than Iā€™ve ever seen at the school

$250,000 seems low to me. You are going to have to hire at least two people to do this - say a Band Director and Assistant Director. Letā€™s say you get the director and assistant directors at salaries of $75k and $50k each, you have to throw on roughly another 30% for ā€œfringeā€ benefits like health insurance, retirement plan, etc. So by the time you are done with just those two salaries alone you are at a bit over $160 in costs. You would have to buy and maintain instruments, uniforms, buy insurance, etc.

So the school is going to use local HS bands for a period of time. This will be fun to watch how those selections are made.

Iā€™ve heard around 10-15 different CMS HS bands over the past 4-5 years. Some are really good while some are weaker than Charlotteā€™s current pep band.

A.L. Brownā€™s marching band at one time was called The Big Green Machine. Now they are smaller and not as machine like. They are green though. There are some quality bands in the area.

I understand the reasoning (cost) behind not having a marching band on day one, and Iā€™m fine with it. I actually like the idea of local HS bands playing at halftime. Parents and friends will show up to watch these kids and we may make some new fans.

I spoke to a co-worker earlier this week whose son played in one of the rec league scrimmages at halftime during basketball seasonā€¦they loved it and said the kids/parents were super excited about being there and keep an eye on Charlotte basketball now.

If we want to build a fanbase, moves like this help that happen.

Put a pep band in the stands and look at forming a marching band in a few years.

My high school played A.L. Brown in the playoffs in the 90ā€™s, and they had more people in the band than they did on the football field. They covered the whole field and looked like the Michigan State band. Was really impressed with them back then.

Getting good high school bands to come in is a great idea. Getting not so good bands a really bad idea.

The hard part with HS bands is some will not be green.

West Charlotte HS and Mooresville HS both have impressive bands.

However, one is burgundy and goldā€¦the other is blue and white.

The last time I saw Vance, Mallard Creek and North Meckā€¦they were not very impressive.

Keeping at green only bands will limit options

Maybe we can spot them with Niner green t-shirts. Much cheaper option at this time.

I like this idea. Do we give them oversized tee shirts to wear over other clothes in late season when/if the temps are much cooler?

[quote=ā€œCrusader, post:30, topic:27644ā€]The hard part with HS bands is some will not be green.

West Charlotte HS and Mooresville HS both have impressive bands.

However, one is burgundy and goldā€¦the other is blue and white.

The last time I saw Vance, Mallard Creek and North Meckā€¦they were not very impressive.

Keeping at green only bands will limit options[/quote]

I just hope that they will learn and play our fight song vigorously during the game. Not only will it give the stadium a better atmosphere, we will hopefully win over some future Niners and their parents when they play at the game.

[quote=ā€œLugNutX, post:27, topic:27644ā€][size=2]I spoke to a co-worker earlier this week whose son played in one of the rec league scrimmages at halftime during basketball seasonā€¦they loved it and said the kids/parents were super excited about being there and keep an eye on Charlotte basketball now.

If we want to build a fanbase, moves like this help that happen.[/size][/quote]
[size=2]That is why I have liked this idea for starting out. You then have a number of HS students in the stadium and on campus on game day and their parents will probably be interested. Probably get some siblings in and may make a few long term fans out of the whole deal.[/size]

Iā€™ve said from the get-go that we should get a band together from the NC School of the Arts or whatever it is called.

Theyā€™re good musicians, Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s no football thereā€¦ could be a win-win for them.

[quote=ā€œZombieLew, post:35, topic:27644ā€]Iā€™ve said from the get-go that we should get a band together from the NC School of the Arts or whatever it is called.

Theyā€™re good musicians, Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s no football thereā€¦ could be a win-win for them.[/quote]
Good call

[quote=ā€œs9er, post:36, topic:27644ā€][quote=ā€œZombieLew, post:35, topic:27644ā€]Iā€™ve said from the get-go that we should get a band together from the NC School of the Arts or whatever it is called.

Theyā€™re good musicians, Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s no football thereā€¦ could be a win-win for them.[/quote]
Good call[/quote]

My only concern with this idea is that it could become an excuse for us never to get a UNC Charlotte Marching Band going. UNC Tomorrow Initiative and allā€¦

School of the Arts kids tend to look down upon Marchers.

[quote=ā€œThe White Samurai, post:38, topic:27644ā€]School of the Arts kids tend to look down upon Marchers.[/quote]Also a good bit of travel to get a crew of them to each game. HS team is more feasible logistically.

Whether they ever march or not, if our Pep Band is going to play at home football games they need to double in size and try some new songs. If they donā€™t double it will be hard to hear them.