Mike Hall - 2012 C

I would like to see us stay after Hall. We could also hold the last schollie, assuming we land Clayton for a transfer or decommit during the coaching carousel in the Spring.

are we still after hall?

Heading to Harvard.

Tommy Amaker HAS to be cheating up there

good for him, thats a tough school to get into

Yes indeed. Wish him the best.

harvard? tough admit? naahhh! ain’t no thang.

I just checked out Harvard’s 2011 and 2012 classes. They are going to destroy the Ivy league in the next few years.

Lol. You think?

Lol. You think?[/quote]Well, it is the Davidson of the North.

Lol. You think?[/quote]Well, it is the Davidson of the North.[/quote]

No no, its much more like the Ap State of the North…just ask their “fans” over on ASG.

Lol. You think?[/quote]

I mean that’s what I hear anyways

From what I hear hardest thing about Harvard is just getting admitted. Once you are in, it’s not all that difficult.

From what I hear hardest thing about Harvard is just getting admitted. Once you are in, it’s not all that difficult.[/quote]

From what I know that is correct. I have a friend that went to Princeton and thought he was kicked out of school but wasn’t.

Here’s the story. The dude is the last guy you would think is a genius. He’s 6’6", weighs 300+ and dips Skoal. Made perfect scores on all boards and goes to Princeton. He’s in a math class his Soph year and a foreign dude (I’m assuming Asian) askedthe Prof a question in an Asian language. This was about the 4th time and he became mad/disgusted/upset that he couldn’t understand the lessons (if you will) and stood up and threw his desk throough a plate galss picture window.

He proceeded to go straight to the Dean’s office and told him what had happened and told the guy, “Well, I guess I’m out of here.” The dean kinda half grinned and told him, “No son, you’re just in the wrong curriculum.”

He was put into a Business directional and finished with honors. Once you’re in an Ivy league school, Stanford or Duke, they will make sure you fiinish to keep Grad rates near perfect.

From what I hear hardest thing about Harvard is just getting admitted. Once you are in, it’s not all that difficult.[/quote]

From what I know that is correct. I have a friend that went to Princeton and thought he was kicked out of school but wasn’t.

Here’s the story. The dude is the last guy you would think is a genius. He’s 6’6", weighs 300+ and dips Skoal. Made perfect scores on all boards and goes to Princeton. He’s in a math class his Soph year and a foreign dude (I’m assuming Asian) askedthe Prof a question in an Asian language. This was about the 4th time and he became mad/disgusted/upset that he couldn’t understand the lessons (if you will) and stood up and threw his desk throough a plate galss picture window.

He proceeded to go straight to the Dean’s office and told him what had happened and told the guy, “Well, I guess I’m out of here.” The dean kinda half grinned and told him, “No son, you’re just in the wrong curriculum.”

He was put into a Business directional and finished with honors. Once you’re in an Ivy league school, Stanford or Duke, they will make sure you fiinish to keep Grad rates near perfect.[/quote]

True, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. The work load isn’t always higher at most of the elite schools from what I know, but the grading standards tend to be a good bit more difficult and the material covered a lot more in-depth, complex, and faster moving. They will almost never, however, let someone fail; unlike a state school where you can flunk pretty easily. Each system has its advantages and disadvantages, but I would say it is inaccurate to say that once you’re in it’s easy.

I’m not saying that you said this, but I’ve heard people claim (App. State and Elon fans/grads among others) that their school is more difficult than Harvard for the same degree. I’m going to have to disagree. Again, I don’t go to Harvard but with family members and friends who went to Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, and Duke among others, I would say that this impression is misguided. Of course, everyone knows you can get through most schools without doing much work if you follow a certain path, etc., but I think it would be a mistake to assign this as the norm.

Going further off topic.

Imagine a university and its students, alumni and supporters viewing each other as partners and investing in each other, all deeply motivated to see the others succeed. Ivy League schools have that.

We don’t have that.

That’s what #BadFans want.

[quote=“NLP, post:36, topic:25589”]Going further off topic.

Imagine a university and its students, alumni and supporters viewing each other as partners and investing in each other, all deeply motivated to see the others succeed. Ivy League schools have that.

We don’t have that.

That’s what #BadFans want.[/quote]
exactly!!! as soon as an ‘elite’ school pulls the trigger on your admission, you’re a part of their Portfolio. they just laid down a huge bet (i.e., sum of money), so it’s very much in their best interest to get you through–not just with a passing Grade, but with a likely-promise of exemplary success. thus the university and the student ARE partners. they need you as much as you need them. they aren’t going to put you in “Monkey-Bars: Elementary Physical Education”; but they are going to offer you the support you need. that’s the university you’re imagining.
unfortunately, publics can’t be so choosy or generous. and privates have to compete with what they can still get. that’s why Duke is so exceptional.
fire away!!!

Not sure who’s sarcasm meter is off. Regardless, I was agreeing that it seems Hall is a smart kid and might have been a good land for us. Oh well. Good luck Mike.

No missing, I agree. The kid would be nuts to turn down Harvard.

Hell, it’s not like he’ll probably make a living playing Bball. Good for him.

now i just hope charlotte and harvard meet in the sweet 16! :smiley: