Milton Bradley

…is a f’ing psycho. NLP found this gem and posted it in the shoutbox a little while ago: [URL][/URL]

Hey Milton, if you are tired of people ripping on, you should probably try and clean up your childish act a little bit. Acting like an angry 13 year old isn’t going to win you any fans.

I would also place Jose Guillen of the Royals in the Milton Bradley category… anyone else see where he called his teammates a bunch of babies who can’t play ball a few days ago?

What a Spangler

I hate Jose Guillen, he had a season in just 1 4 game series versus the Yanks this past weekend.

What do you expect a man named after board games to act like?

Dangit - I thought we were getting sponsored for football…

Monopoly Stadium - The new home of the Charlotte Power Stache

His name still isn’t as cool as Charles Bronson.