NCCU Eagles message board

For those that want to strike up some friendly pregame banter:

Edit: Ok, this one actually has more than one poster lol…

Ummm wtf… lol I just now noticed every single post on there is by the same poster!

Perhaps that poster should have created 2 user names so he could argue with himself. Out of curiosity, did you look to see if they may have another board with more posters somewhere?

Are you telling me there is a board out there that StillJonesing doesn’t post on?

No. We are telling you that the one poster must be SJing.

LoL I think after posting the link to their board, we just broke their hits record:

Active Users: 5
Total 0
Registered Users 5
Guests 0 Anonymous
88 Visitors in the last day
Most Ever: 38 On September 24, 2011

Ok this one at least has some activity…