Nebraska AD - gone

[URL][/URL] :ponder:

I love this sarcastic response:
Brilliant move, considering the information that the AD was actually the one recruiting the players, running practices, and calling the plays. Not many are keen enough to see through to the truth, but the Nebraska brain trust did. Kudos!

I thought Bill Callahan was a good hire, at the time. I don’t know what the AD is taking the fall. However, there are NFL coaches, and College coaches, it is awfully hard to be able to do both.

Nebraska fans better open their pocket books:

[QUOTE]“There is no joy in my heart for having to do this,” Perlman said. [B]He said it would cost at least $2.2 million to buy Pederson out of his contract[/B].

At the end of the July, [B]Pederson’s contract was renewed for five years[/B], but this season has been a nightmare for the most part.


[QUOTE]In four seasons under Callahan, the Huskers are 26-18 overall, 14-14 against the Big 12, 3-8 against teams in the Top 25 and 0-6 against the top 10. They have given up 40 points or more nine times.

That’s not acceptable in Nebraska. My guess is that if they keep spiraling downward that Callahan will be fired also, which will cost them another hefty sum of money. With their remaining schedule, that’s looking like a very real possibility:

Sat, Oct 20 Texas A&M 2:05 pm –
Sat, Oct 27 at (19) Texas 3:30 pm –
Sat, Nov 3 at (15) Kansas TBA –
Sat, Nov 10 (25) Kansas State TBA –
Fri, Nov 23 at Colorado 12:00 pm –

Which of those games look like victories? Callahan is under contract through 2012. Here’s the details of his contract from a USA Today article in September:

[QUOTE]LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) – Coach Bill Callahan would earn bonuses of $200,000 if he leads Nebraska to a national championship and $100,000 if the Cornhuskers play in a Bowl Championship Series game.

The bonuses are outlined in the five-year contract Callahan signed last week. A copy of the contract was obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

Callahan’s annual salary is $1.75 million, and he can earn “exceptional performance bonuses” totaling $425,000.

Under the bonus structure, Callahan would receive $50,000 for winning the Big 12 North and an additional $75,000 for winning the conference championship game.

Callahan gets $50,000 if the Huskers play in a non-BCS bowl.

On top of the $100,000 Callahan would earn for taking the Huskers to a BCS game, he would earn an additional $100,000 for winning one.

The contract requires Callahan to notify athletic director Steve Pederson if he decides to engage in negotiations with another college or professional team. Callahan would not have to pay a penalty if he decides to leave Nebraska before the contract expires Jan. 31, 2012.

The university and Callahan also agreed to meet by Feb. 1 of each year to review the state of the program and renegotiate the coach’s compensation package.[/QUOTE]

They’re looking at close to $8 million to buy him out should he be fired after this season. Ouch. They’ll have to raise the price of ethanol to help fund it.

They’ll be paying buyouts forever at Nebraska. You know that President Perlman will be forced to leave as well.

Dr. Tom Osborne, President of the University of Nebraska, perhaps?

Why did they fire the AD? That was stupid. I never saw the AD on the field.
The Coach should get canned. They not only lose, but they lose big.