We need gold dri fit T shirts readily available, at a decent price. Yes dri fit (or whatever other moisture wicking brand) - it gets hot as hell in that stadium.
I stopped at the makeshift B&N stand while kids were waiting for ice cream. To my shock, they had a game day Charlotte vs. ECU shirt, plain white cotton tee. I was elated. How much? 30 + tax. Ridiculous
30 bucks for a t shirt in this economy is actually pretty good brother.
I’m so ready for someone to get that gold jersey available to the public.
I actually saw someone walking by the tailgate in a Gold Jersey. No clue where it came from or if its some cheap knock off but it boggles my mind why they don’t have White, Gold, Black, Green, RWB, Pink and every other possible combination on a create on demand to generate coin.
Since you’re from Boone, example above. Maybe I’m in the minority but I guess this is the hill I’ll die on. $35 for a Champion white cotton t shirt is not a bargain IMO. It’s not Nike, UA, Adidas or any kind of dri-fit. I’d rather pay $30 for a custom shirt and support local/small business like Fratetastic or something similar
I totally agree
But also want to share Champion as a brand is elevated from where it used to be. My daughter is in Middle School and says it’s an in brand, which is weird because to me it’s still Walmart sale rack stuff.
We do need a line of plain white generic shirts for under $15. Then nicer stuff at 30-35.
clt says new gear for homecoming week
I love their stuff, but man, as a Charlotte 49er fan, I feel like I’m being “premiumed” to death.
clt says if you want a hat, stop by the store. avoid the smush factor of the mail
Small batch custom.
But I’m on the fence on half their stuff. 40 yr old white male must not be their target demographic. I either feel it’s for a 60+ yr old or 21 and under. I know some of you will still rock the drip but whether you should be is debatable. . But at least rock away as I like 704 partners with Charlotte.
I also prefer their tshirt fabric they mostly used 5+ years ago. They use several now and some are heavy thick or too light see through.
clt says that drip has rizz, no cap no ohio
We 're getting close to the point where I’m going to need a translate to follow this thread haha.
Thanks clt, got me a jacket incoming. Hate I missed the gold one but that white one looks pretty sweet too.
How old are you? Post sale poll
I turned 12 last week
Mentally, emotionally, or sexually?
I have so much Niner gear buying anything else seems foolish at this point