Niner Nation Charity

I sent in a request/application to the university for a new organization yesterday. I know i have talked to a few people at campouts about doing this. I want to start a school based charity that brings less fortunate kids to 49er games. We only sell out big games, so i know that the ticket office will work with me on getting tickets to most games for underprivalged kids and families, but i want to take it a step futher. I want to raise money through donations and sponsorships to make these kids really enjoy themselves. My plan is to bring the kids in, mostly on weekends, and meet the team way before the game. I think for them it would mean the world to see the players face to face. Then we’d treat them to a free meal provide by the sponsors, and bring them back to Halton for the game. As an added bonus, and so they feel a part of the crowd, i am hoping we can get them some Niner Nation shirts(probably white shirts with green letters since that’s cheaper). To kids that dont get to do much and are raised in shitty places, i really think this is something that will lift them up. I am getting details worked up, but i need more support for the organization. I am not sure about how to raise the money. So any suggestion on sponsors or donators would help. Any suggest on how to handle game day activities would also help. If you have a thought, i want to hear it.

Thanks guys.

Thats a really good idea. I’d give money if I wasn’t poor college student like most…but maybe we can get the school to give some of our money we give them to help start up the charity.

I think that’s an awesome idea man. I think everybody on here would do what they can.

Great idea, perhaps we could donate any unused tickets back to this group for use.

agree 100% HP

The first idea was to take unused tickets and money donations to buy more, but i talked with Dan Devos. He said that we can get tickets without problem through the charity. I think the kids would have a better time all sitting together rather than in groups of 2 or 4 mixed in with strangers down low. I would like to take donated tickets and use them, but just so we are bringing these kids to games, i think that is all that matters. does that make sense? smell what i am stepping in?

Me too!!! Welcome!! This is a great idea. Thanks for thinking of it and moving it forward. Good luck! :smiley:

A great idea. I’ll be glad to give some money when the charity is set up, and more when I get a job.

This is a good idea.
Might find it a bit tough to get donations (since people are focused on donating to the tsunami disasters it would seem) but a good idea nonetheless.

You should probably contact a few local business (maybe ones that are already sponsors of our athletic programs) to see if they would match donations given in return for their name on the t-shirt or something, I dunno. Might be an easy way to double the funds that private parties give.

Might also want to consider more than just basketball games - soccer, girls basketball, volleyball, etc - for different groups of kids. Then again, don’t know how involved you want to get with this. Good luck, let me know when you are ready to take donations.

Donations from business i would like to see come in two ways

  1. money for transportation, food, and TSHIRTS mostly. Most churches or clubs that will select the kids in which to bring will have their own transportation. Food, look as reason #2 below, TSHIRTS we need money for, (a) for the kids to wear and be able to take something home thats special (B) so we can sell ad space to sponsors. I would like to have a screen printer sponsor us so we can get shirts for cheaper!

  2. sponsors can donate meals instead of money. McDonalds would be great, cause there are atleast 2 locations i know of near campus. Lets say we give them a 4x2 inch space on the back of the shirt, in return each location can sponsor 3 sets of meals. a set of meals might be for 15 kids. and it would cover 3 different nights. they may not offer the whole menu, but can let kids choose between a preselected menu(etc. double cheeseburger or chicken strips only, both with fries and drink).

If we are planning on doing business cards, flyers, and other promotions or advertising to spread the word about the charity, Kinko’s would be a great sponsor. Does anyone know if the library does stuff like that? I know that have that office with all those copiers and printers…

It’s going to be tough choosing sponsors, of course we cant get both burger king and McD’s to sponsors, so we’ll ahve to branch out. Once the charity is approved and offical, i want to get some business cards and go talk around to people. Charlotte Observer, Kinko’s, Picasso’s, Pizza place, burger joint, gray’s or campus bookstore, anyone that can benefit by having their name printed on the back of the shirt.

I want to see the charity bring kids to other sports rather than just M basketball. W basketball, soccer and baseball i think would work best.

I wasnt posting this forum to try to squeeze money from you guys. Please dont think i am asking for anything more than suggestions and help getting it started. However, if you have any potentional sponsors in mind, or have connections, that would be a big help. the tsunami is more important that the charity i think, hopefully we can bring those same kids to the game in years to come, but their life wont be ruined if they dont get this support like the people need over seas.

Keep the suggestions coming guys, and i will hopefully see most of you at Picasso’s tomorrow. By the way, new NINER NATION t-shirts and hoodies are here!!!

How about the game concessions? Apparently groups staff the stands and get something for whoever they represent.

maybe i’ll work the girls games to raise some money or something. but if you are implying me giving up my front row tickets(sect 104, row a, seat 3) then i dont think it’ll work out. but yes! that would be a good idea to work the girls games, i didnt not think of that!!! thank you