If you guys haven’t checked out NR in a while, Josh has that site hoppin. He’s done a lot of interviews recently with 2013 targets, and has a ton of names and info in the 2013 targets thread in the Paydirt forum.

I know there were always a lot of gripes in the past that there wasn’t much content. Josh is doing an awesome job opver there now. Having football now has totally revived that site. Football recruiting is a 24/7/365 biz.

[quote=“Chisox17, post:1, topic:26773”]If you guys haven’t checked out NR in a while, Josh has that site hoppin. He’s done a lot of interviews recently with 2013 targets, and has a ton of names and info in the 2013 targets thread in the Paydirt forum.

I know there were always a lot of gripes in the past that there wasn’t much content. Josh is doing an awesome job opver there now. Having football now has totally revived that site. Football recruiting is a 24/7/365 biz.[/quote]

That may be true. However they still have our 2011 b-ball roster prominently up on the basketball section. A tad dated don’t you think?

Might want to ask Josh why when you search for 2012 fball recruits and Charlotte, why only 1 player shows up. :?

I have. He doesn’t really have an answer, and he also has no control over it, says it’s a Rivals thing. Pretty sure he could put a word in though. All the 2013 guys show up.

I just don’t understand why it costs $$ to view Rivals forums. Why not continue to have paid content but open up the forums for free.

He said the site producer is working on getting them all back up right now. About 4 or 5 are back on there, but the rest should be on there soon.

[quote=“sydh, post:5, topic:26773”]I just don’t understand why it costs $$ to view Rivals forums. Why not continue to have paid content but open up the forums for free.[/quote]The rivals writers usually post exclusive content in there. Stuff that fans will find interesting, but maybe not important enough for a full article.

He said the site producer is working on getting them all back up right now. About 4 or 5 are back on there, but the rest should be on there soon.[/quote]

All fixed now.

why don’t we have a football recruiting menu like most rivals sites?