NNN Nutshell

Just thought Iā€™d recap the board as a whole so that we donā€™t have so many redundant and useless threads:

[B]1. Mitch sucks and should ride the pine
2. Bobby sucks and should coach elsewhere
3. Judy sucks and should retire
4. The Observer sucks
5. Mike P lies
6. Tom Sorenson is a douchebag
7. Student attendance is pathetic
8. Alumni attendance is pathetic
9. Student AND Alumni participation is pathetic
10. Too many people show up late but on Wednesday, itā€™s because of church
11. Too many people leave early but itā€™s because they have far to drive
12. The band sucks and plays at the wrong time
13. The A-10 sucks
14. We need football
15. We canā€™t afford football
16. Judy Rose is why we donā€™t have footballā€¦no wait, that was because Bonnie Coneā€™s son got hurt playing football
17. Kim Bauer is hot
18. The ACC is scared to play us
19. We now have to win the A-10 Tournament to get in the Big Dance
20. Most would rather lose by 15 in first round than win NIT
21. NIT and NCAA Appearance banners are stupid
22. Matt Swierad will never be as good as Jags
23. Mark Packer sucks
24. We have some a-hole fans who yell stupid things
25. The Observer still sucks[/B]

Please feel free to add anything I may have left off the list of things that seem to make up 99.9% of the content here on a daily basis. And yes, ā€œThe Observer Sucksā€ covers virtually everything from insufficient coverage to not putting your newspapers in your paper box. No need to be too specific with some of these things.

*Disclaimer: Apparently, some people on this board are sarcasm-challenged so the above items do not represent my feelings. Not all of them anyway. :slight_smile:

[B]26. Students and alumni should not wear others schools gear to games.[/B]
[B]27. We need a name change - University of Charlotte, Charlotte State, etc.[/B]

[B]26a - Fans should not where other teamā€™s gear (unless they are the opponent) into Halton Arena.[/B]

[B]28 - Bob Huggins is coaching at (insert school of choice here) next year.[/B]

[B]29 - Not enough money is spent on the baseball program.[/B]

[B]30 - The new student point system for basketball tickets sucks.[/B]

[B]31 - There is no way that Charlotte can land a recruit as good as Mike Beasley.[/B]

[B]32 - Fire Herb Sendek and Skip Prosser so Bobby can coach at one of those schools.[/B]

17A. [URL=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0193846/]Elisha Cuthbert[/URL] was hot in The Girl Next Door. [URL=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0193846/]Elisha Cuthbert[/URL] is hot in general.
33. Bobbleheads
34. Please repost the cheerleader pictures from the Golddusters thread.

Thereā€™s a delicate balance to maintain between hosting an open forum to air out thoughts and opinions, and running just a bitch board. Iā€™m afraid weā€™ve fallen into the latter.

Last night, I was sitting at the game thinking about the season, probably thinking at least 5 of the gripes above myself, and then it struck me - you know what? No matter how bad it ever gets, Iā€™m kidding myself if I think Iā€™ll ever not be a fan of this program. So why not enjoy it? Weā€™ll possibly never be as good as I want us to be, but why not enjoy what we can and are able to do?

It also occurred to me that all this bellyaching makes us sound just like the spoiled brat fans of a handful of schools up the road. Thatā€™s something that none of us want to be compared to. I think weā€™re better than that.

I dunno, I guess that thought was just a break in some of the dark clouds over my head this season. I realized that if Iā€™m constantly bitching about every little thing I can find wrong with the team & program, I wonā€™t leave myself any time to enjoy what they accomplish and do right. Iā€™d rather have fun than bitch, and Iā€™d rather enjoy the games than constantly agonize over them. The seasonā€™s too short to piss away like that. My $.02.

There's a delicate balance to maintain between hosting an open forum to air out thoughts and opinions, and running just a bitch board. I'm afraid we've fallen into the latter.

Last night, I was sitting at the game thinking about the season, probably thinking at least 5 of the gripes above myself, and then it struck me - you know what? No matter how bad it ever gets, Iā€™m kidding myself if I think Iā€™ll ever not be a fan of this program. So why not enjoy it? Weā€™ll possibly never be as good as I want us to be, but why not enjoy what we can and are able to do?

It also occurred to me that all this bellyaching makes us sound just like the spoiled brat fans of a handful of schools up the road. Thatā€™s something that none of us want to be compared to. I think weā€™re better than that.

I dunno, I guess that thought was just a break in some of the dark clouds over my head this season. I realized that if Iā€™m constantly bitching about every little thing I can find wrong with the team & program, I wonā€™t leave myself any time to enjoy what they accomplish and do right. Iā€™d rather have fun than bitch, and Iā€™d rather enjoy the games than constantly agonize over them. The seasonā€™s too short to piss away like that. My $.02.

That is a good post. There are some on here who would complain if they won 20 million in the lottery (instead of 20 million and 99 cents) but others keep them in check. I mean, REALLY, when our fans are arguing whether itā€™s right to do the wave during a free throw when our player is shooting the free throw:huh: , well, nevermind. But anyway, I donā€™t think we sound like spoiled brat fans, just fans who expect the same level of success of some of the ā€˜handful of schools up the road.ā€™ Might not be realistic, but why not. ā€˜Mediocre is as mediocre does.ā€™ (means nothing, I know, but it sounded good) Who wants that for the team that you root for? Thatā€™s why a lot on here complain and at least it shows that we do have passionate fans.

And if Charlotte has a mediocre season or is struggling, there is no mistake about it, it is no fun. But life moves on, the sun will rise next year, and everyone can hope the next is the year that Charlotte meets everyones expectations, which is next to impossible, but you never know. And it could always be worse, at least we have a realistic shot to reach the NCAA tourney every year. That is a lot more than the majority of div. I teams can say. And when Charlotte becomes one of the elite teams in the nation, we can say we were fans from the start and be some of those irritating 'Iā€™m a better fan than you are" fans because we were fans first. Something to look forward to.

[B]31 - There is no way that Charlotte can land a recruit as good as Mike Beasley[/B][B].[/B]

Oh screw you man.

Very little TV complaints this year.

Most programs would love to have a year like this be a down year. Heck, of 320-330-some DI programs, most would love to have a good season this good.

[QUOTE=gotLutz;158092]Oh screw you man.[/QUOTE]

No thanks. I donā€™t swing from that side of the plate.

No thanks. I don't swing from that side of the plate.

You sure? Iā€™ve been told I look really sexy in my long green wig.

[QUOTE=Pork Chop;158096]Most programs would love to have a year like this be a down year. Heck, of 320-330-some DI programs, most would love to have a good season this good.[/QUOTE]

Very True!!!

  1. Tintin is the damn poster this board has ever seen.

[QUOTE=Tintin;158106]35. Tintin is the damn poster this board has ever seen.[/QUOTE]

I will fight you.

  1. I love the Niners

17b. Kate (from Lost) needs more shower scenes.

  1. The mods on this board are GREAT.

(just making sure I donā€™t get banned in the future)


  1. Powerbait will be the next ā€œ[I]Bachelo[/I]rā€
  1. Dax=pi and dax=devil so pi = devil.

[QUOTE=the daxified one;158187]52. Dax=pi and dax=devil so pi = devil.[/QUOTE]

Isnā€™t that a question from the Wonderlic exam???