NNNIT: arn vs SteauA

First round matchup between arn and SteauA


My girlfriend spent 2 years in Romania. Thus, my vote goes to SteauA.

alex ftw as a fellow bobcats/panthers supporter and for the epic soccer chants

[QUOTE=ninerball49;395696]alex ftw as a fellow bobcats/panthers supporter and for the epic soccer chants[/QUOTE]

incidentally my name’s Alex too and I’m a former Bobcats season ticket holder and a huge soccer fan

arn helped with some name change flyers, he’s got my vote.

incidentally my name's Alex too and I'm a former Bobcats season ticket holder and a huge soccer fan

now that’s just effin weird.

9 hours left

SteauA wins.

I heart Macintosh computers