Observer Poll

There is a poll invoving the 49ers that you might be interested in, [URL=][B][/B][/URL]. Personally, I don’t believe the 49ers have the biggest moment here but at least they were listed as a choice.

They didn’t word the poll correctly. They listed Michigan as #5 today in football, but did not happen to mention that Michigan was #1 when we beat them in 1977.

App. St.'s win is in lead by a long shot. I think that’s a case of “what have you done for me lately.” I voted for NCSU’s win against Houston. Any big win in the postseason over a regular season game, in any sports is more important.

[QUOTE=Gas49er;256300]They didn’t word the poll correctly. They listed Michigan as #5 today in football, but did not happen to mention that Michigan was #1 when we beat them in 1977.[/QUOTE]
They also did not mention the win sent us to the Final 4 (notice State’s win states it was for the National Championship)… but WTF do you expect? It’s the Observer… doing whatever it takes to persuade the public.

They also did not mention the win sent us to the Final 4 (notice State's win states it was for the National Championship)....... but WTF do you expect? It's the Observer..... doing whatever it takes to persuade the public.
I don't think there was evil intent in this poll. It's just a silly poll anyway. They mentioned us! You should be cool with that.

I voted for NC State’s NCAA Championship.

We shouldn’t even be on this, IMO. We lost to Marquette on what many call a bad or questonable call, and they won it all. Sure we upset Michigan, but it’s not like we came out of no where either.

[QUOTE=49or bust;256326]I voted for NC State’s NCAA Championship.[/QUOTE]
I did as well.

Ha! At the time I’ve just looked at the poll, Charlotte has 49 votes.