Observer stuff from Davidson

Janovy: Niners find a shooting star

Fowler: Plavich wakes up in second half

For the record, someone suggested on another thread you’re getting better coverage because of previous complaining, and that’s not true. You’re getting better coverage because of the job Jena is doing, and because the Niners are supposed to be good, which makes Niners stories attractive in the array of things we cover and choose from each day.

I love Jena. Although, still very lukewarm on the Observer. But, there has been nothing to complain about this year regarding our coverage. Thanks.

Mike, I’m going to sign up for the O this week. What kind of deals should I ask for? Honestly, I just want the sports section and section A.

I thought that this comment from the guy guarding BP was very interesting.

“I felt like I had a hand up on almost every shot in the second half right in his face,” Davidson’s Brendan Winters said. “There were a couple of times I felt his fingertips hit mine. I turn around, and you just see the ball go in and it’s nothing but net. Pretty heartbreaking.”

It kind of puts down some of the bar stool coaches in here that have noted that he can’t do a thing when someone is in his face. I think Winters comments have a lot more meaning for what is really true.

Mike, can we get a correction on this? Was it this way in hard copy? I don’t remember seeing it.

DAVIDSON - It was a little step-back jumper just left of the free-throw line, well inside Brenda Plavich’s typical shooting range, and the senior shooting guard for Charlotte stuck it with about 10 minutes left.

[i]Originally posted by 49erForever[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 09:11 AM [b] I thought that this comment from the guy guarding BP was very interesting.

“I felt like I had a hand up on almost every shot in the second half right in his face,” Davidson’s Brendan Winters said. “There were a couple of times I felt his fingertips hit mine. I turn around, and you just see the ball go in and it’s nothing but net. Pretty heartbreaking.”

It kind of puts down some of the bar stool coaches in here that have noted that he can’t do a thing when someone is in his face. I think Winters comments have a lot more meaning for what is really true. [/b]

Or how about this comment from Plavich:

“You can really tell we’re a good team. A lot of times Eddie (Basden) was on a fast break and he knows I’m on fire, and I can see him starting to glance my way and I know he’s going to pass it.”

I heard similar comments from a Eddie audio clip this morning on FNZ. They were really clicking in the final 12 minutes, where we scored on 18 out of 20 possessions per the Observer.

Contrary to what some PIssy posters on this board like to imagine, it is clear these guys like each other, which is the key to chemistry. The last team we had that got along really well was the one with Galen, Kelvin & co. as they rallied around Charles. They played their asses off and won a CUSA tourney crown and advanced farther than most thought they could.

[i]Originally posted by NinerAdvocate[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 09:36 AM [b] Contrary to what some PIssy posters on this board like to imagine, it is clear these guys like each other, which is the key to chemistry. The last team we had that got along really well was the one with Galen, Kelvin & co. as they rallied around Charles. They played their asses off and won a CUSA tourney crown and advanced farther than most thought they could. [/b]
[b]Contrary to what some PIssy posters on this board like to imagine, it is clear these guys like each other[/b]

Hey fat boy, I’de like you to show me where I ever posted that players on this team don’t like each other. WTF are you trying to start?

fat boy? :lol:

You’ve said on numerous occassions that the players resent Plavich and his shooting. You’ve pissed and moaned that he destroys team chemistry. Yet we couldn’t help noticing how Basden was looking for him all night and Iti was fist pumping and towel waiving everytime he took a shot.

I guess I made you mad enough to double quote me. But that’s like shooting monkeys in a barrel. You’re ALWAYS mad. ALWAYS.

[i]Originally posted by NinerAdvocate[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 09:54 AM [b] fat boy? :lol:

You’ve said on numerous occassions that the players resent Plavich and his shooting. You’ve pissed and moaned that he destroys team chemistry. Yet we couldn’t help noticing how Basden was looking for him all night and Iti was fist pumping and towel waiving everytime he took a shot.

I guess I made you mad enough to double quote me. But that’s like shooting monkeys in a barrel. You’re ALWAYS mad. ALWAYS. [/b]

[b]You've said on numerous occassions that the players resent Plavich and his shooting.[/b]


[b]You're ALWAYS mad. ALWAYS.[/b]

Just shows how little you know me.

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 10:58 AM [b]
[b]You're ALWAYS mad. ALWAYS.[/b]

Just shows how little you know me. [/b]

I only know how you are on this messageboard. If you are completely different in person and just piss and moan constantly on here, then you have bigger problems than I thought. You revel in being negative, divisive and discourgaing to the point of it being symptomatic of some type of complex.

I’m not a doctor though. I’ll leave your diagnosis to trained professionals.

[b]I'm not a doctor though.[/b]

You’re not anything…except a fat instigator.

[i]Originally posted by 49erpi[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 11:07 AM [b] You're not anything...except a fat instigator. [/b]

I thought I was a wrinkled up old man? How about some consistency.

Wow, calling someone fat. There are very few things that are as stinging to an adult as when someone reaches back to middle school to insult them.

I hope for NA’s sake that he is rubber and PI is glue and whatever PI says to him bounces off him…

The picture of Plavich on the sports section cover is nice, but did anyone notice the tarhole kids in the larger picture on the cover. The city’s youth are misguided, although I do like the kid with the bobcats jersey.

49erpi, would be the kind of person that says, “The team doesn’t get along and they have chemistry problems” and when you say “oh so you’re saying they don’t like each other” he would say LIER!

It’s been well documented in every story I have read that the team does get alone with each other and they do like each other.

[i]Originally posted by switchfoot[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 12:27 PM [b] 49erpi, would be the kind of person that says, "The team doesn't get along and they have chemistry problems" and when you say "oh so you're saying they don't like each other" he would say LIER!

It’s been well documented in every story I have read that the team does get alone with each other and they do like each other. [/b]

[b]49erpi, would be the kind of person that says, "The team doesn't get along and they have chemistry problems" [/b]

I’ve never said that. That’s a bit of an insinuation, isn’t it?

[b] LIER[/b]

Lier= One who lies down; one who rests or remains, as in concealment.

So I am accusing people of resting or hiding?

I am not a perfect typist and I do make mistakes. But I do think the meaning behind what I have said on here is clear. You attack anyone who doesn’t share your opinion. I say attack because calling people names is a clear sign that you can’t deal with other opinions. When you lack the ability to attack the message, attack the messenger. In turn people are going to respond to you in the same way, with disrespect. So stop complaining that you are being attack or accusing others of not being able to deal with other opinions, when you can’t respectfully disagree with others yourself.

[b]Just shows how little you know me.[/b]

You honestly think Lefty wants to know you? :lol:

[i]Originally posted by switchfoot[/i]@Dec 9 2004, 01:22 PM [b] I am not a perfect typist and I do make mistakes. But I do think the meaning behind what I have said on here is clear. You attack anyone who doesn't share your opinion. I say attack because calling people names is a clear sign that you can't deal with other opinions. When you lack the ability to attack the message, attack the messenger. In turn people are going to respond to you in the same way, with disrespect. So stop complaining that you are being attack or accusing others of not being able to deal with other opinions, when you can’t respectfully disagree with others yourself.
[b]Just shows how little you know me.[/b]

You honestly think Lefty wants to know you? :lol: [/b]

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself big guy.