Observer talks to Iti in exclusive interview

[i]Originally posted by gamer[/i]@Sep 1 2004, 07:40 AM [b] I read and appreciated the article. The Observer does a good job. Most of the talk on this board was dissing Iti from people who didn't know anything about the situation. Mr P comes to this board and adds to it. We have several people who claim to be great fans and in the know who don't do much of anything that doesn't involve making a dollar for themselves. Had Iti paid any attention to the way some of our posters were talking about him, his decision to return may have beed differant. [/b]
None of this makes any sense.

Youā€™re right. What was any of the posters on here thinking? We should be blindly devoted to anyone whoever inks an LOI to play here, regardless of whether they intend to stay here all four years. We should be especially devoted to them if they have a history of jumping ship after one year to another location. Who doesnā€™t have 6 different schools in 6 years? Who doesnā€™t have columinsts writing about OddItis on their websites?

We donā€™t have George Steinbrenner funding scholarships here. We have fans doing that. So expect them to get upset when a story breaks about someone who has a history of being a bit flakey performing yet another act of flake.

Iā€™m glad for the article. It was as I said previously interesting. Interesting because Iti weighed in on the summer of utter confusion. But that doesnā€™t necessarily mean everything he said was unadulterated truth. Nor is it blantant lie. Itā€™s just his side of a very long, strange trip.

I just joined this board yesterday because it was the first time I felt the urge to post anything. Iā€™ve been reading it pretty much since it went up. I have posted on the and the cusa-talk board for the past couple of years. Iā€™m not a big poster because I use the boards mainly for information and will only chime in if I really feel a need because I think a lot of space is wasted beating a dead horse.

I spent 8 years in the army as a journalist and am currently pursuing something in the field. Right now, in addition to my regular job that has nothing to do with journalism, I do some work broadcasting high school sports and have just started a Saturday morning sports talk show with the same station. Itā€™s pretty small right now, but at least itā€™s something. So Iā€™m far from self-proclaimed.

My point is not to pat myself on the back and say ā€œLook at me, Iā€™m in radio,ā€ or ā€œIā€™ve been a writer and youā€™re not,ā€ because I know what I do for radio is menial (you canā€™t even hear it out here in Charlotte) and my work in the army was a little different than a civilian publication (but not much). But I am saying that I know what it takes to do that type job, get an interview, try to get people what they want and what goes into it.

Iā€™m in agreement with most that I wish there was more coverage in the Observer, Iā€™m not defending that part of it all. Mike makes posts, gets bashed by a couple of people, defends himself and his writers because thatā€™s what editors do. Heā€™s not going to come on this board and say, ā€œYeah he or she screwed up.ā€ If there is something that needs to be said, Iā€™m sure they will run a correction in the paper for everyone to see, not the posters on the board because the paper is where the audience is, not this board.

[b]That "feature" was no better than a scheduled phone interview with arranged questions. [/b]
"Monday, Iti paused before a weight-lifting session to sit down in a conference room at the 49ers' athletic offices and set the record straight." Doesn't sound like a phone interview to me, either way, there is nothing wrong with a phone interview. It happens more than you think. Most interview questions are prearranged. That's how you plan out a story. Ask your premade questions and if the subject says something interesting that you can go off of, ask it. Then get back to the premade stuff.

Key your eyes on ESPN the Magā€¦ print for sure, net I donā€™t know (?probably?) for a story that Jason Jordan is going to do about Iti for them.

Stop the presses!!! I think I am on the Observerā€™s side on this one.

I walked into one of the break rooms at work & someone had left the Iti article on a table. A few minutes later, a co-worker commented that with Iti back to join Withers we may be a team to be reckoned with this year. I later went to the restroom & someone had been reading the article there. Before the day was over, 3 co-workers had made comments to me about our team for this year since Iti was returning. One asked if he would have trouble acquiring tickets for 2 or 3 games. The article may not have covered everything but it did get the job done. The general public read the article & apparently it enhanced their opinion of our upcoming season. Iā€™m not saying I believe Iti, but I do feel his statements give a better perception of our program to the general public; a better perception than if he had said he almost transferred to a JC. Stuff like this helps build interest, sell tickets, & even get more games eventually televised. Increased interest in a program can eventually help recruiting, scheduling, etc.

Now the bad news. I then had to spend money to buy 2 an Observer.


[i]Originally posted by brewcrew9[/i]@Sep 1 2004, 08:30 AM [b]
[b]That "feature" was no better than a scheduled phone interview with arranged questions. [/b]
"Monday, Iti paused before a weight-lifting session to sit down in a conference room at the 49ers' athletic offices and set the record straight." Doesn't sound like a phone interview to me, either way, there is nothing wrong with a phone interview. It happens more than you think. Most interview questions are prearranged. That's how you plan out a story. Ask your premade questions and if the subject says something interesting that you can go off of, ask it. Then get back to the premade stuff.


I didnā€™t say is WAS a phone interview, I said it read like a scheduled phone interview and Itiā€™s answers sounded rehearsed. Thatā€™s all.
I think if you get the chance to catch him in person and off guard and want to print a piece on his story, then hit him with a some stronger questions. You donā€™t have to go Jim Grey on him but get something other than what has been known for months.
Just my opinion and one of the many reasons I donā€™t read that paper.

Oopsā€¦sorry, read the quote wrong. My bad. Anyways, the dead horse is being beaten nowā€¦