Okay, I was wrong

About the Braves that is. They are for real. They will win the division.

The Phillies pitching sucks, they have no centerfielder to speak of, and the GM won’t get a trade done to fill either hole. I see another second place looming.

Don’t count out the Marlins. I’m a die-hard Braves fan, but if the Marlins can get Beckett healthy and pitching like he did last October, look out. Dontrelle shut the Phils down today. If he can stay sharp and not wear down like he did in the 2nd half last year, the Fish will be hard to stop.

No of this matters, If my cubbies get the wildcard (will get it if pitching is healthy). The rest of the NL won’t stand a chance :fastgun:

The Braves won’t win the division. They’ll be the team that doesn’t lose it.
They really aren’t that good.
Their 1-3 starters are fabulous, the pen is rock solid.
The “D” is terrible and the offense is very average.



The offense looked pretty below-average tonight against the Rocket.

[i]Originally posted by Tintin[/i]@Jul 29 2004, 04:54 PM [b] the pen is rock solid. [/b]
Which Braves team have YOU been watching? Smoltz is cash money, of course, but their middle relief is horrible, especially Alfonseca and Reitsma. Hopefully Martin's acquisition will shore up that department.