OT: It's not only at Charlotte ...

People always say that people go to Charlotte because they canā€™t get into Carolina. I couldā€™ve gone to Carolina and I picked Charlotte because I liked it better. I received my Business Degree in 2004 with a concentration in Marketing, and right now Iā€™m in charge of Marketing for the Charlotte area for the company that I work for. I think this Business Major is doing pretty good with a lowly Charlotte degree (in case anyone doesnā€™t get it, that is called sarcasm). All of these people who give their sob stories in that article are ignorant. ā€œI canā€™t cheer for Carolina when they beat State because people wonā€™t like me.ā€ Cry me a river. That is pure crap. Friendly arguments my ass between which of our preferred teams have a better team. You go to this school, you pay to go to this school, you cheer for the rival and wear the rivals colors to your own home game against them, you are a shitty person. I grew up a Carolina fan, and I still root for Carolina in ACC play, but if they ever played Charlotte, I would root against them as if we were playing Cinci, Mempiss, or any team that Thuggie Bizzle decides to coach. Why, because Charlotte is my school. I went there and Iā€™m proud that I went there. Oh, and as for people who are neutral fans, not students of Charlotte; they can wear whatever they want in my opinion because Iā€™ll be damned if I donā€™t go to a Carolina game once a year decked out in green. I welcome any hecklers. Anyways, that is my two cent rambling for the day. [B]This message was brought to you by the ACWHI (Association of Citizens Who Hate Ignorance). No ignorant people were harmed in the making of this message. We tried though.[/B]

[QUOTE=CharSFNiners;212493]I didnā€™t come to this school for athletics. I came b/c I liked this school and its atmosphere and the fact it offered the major I wanted, one (architecture) that is tougher then normal to find and not offered at every institution (like arts, sciences, or business degrees). I root for Charlotte all the time and want to see them succeed in all ventures but for 18 years I cheered for only one other team. For some of you it may be cut in dry, but for some people its not so. Good thing is I never have to worry about Charlotte playing said team. Iā€™m not a casual basketball fan either, I watch as much as possible and growing up my dad taught me the game, not how just to shoot but when your 10 and know what the off-man is doing, back screens, and the only kid in a rec. league taking charges, you have a much larger appreciation for the game. I emulate my style after my favorite team b/c I feel they give 110% and are very scrutinous of all facets of the game. Not b/c I couldnā€™t get into school there for a business degree.[/QUOTE]

The other kids must have hated you for taking charges in a REC league.

The other kids must have hated you for taking charges in a REC league.

I donā€™t think they knew what happened haha.

People always say that people go to Charlotte because they can't get into Carolina. I could've gone to Carolina and I picked Charlotte because I liked it better. I received my Business Degree in 2004 with a concentration in Marketing, and right now I'm in charge of Marketing for the Charlotte area for the company that I work for. I think this Business Major is doing pretty good with a lowly Charlotte degree (in case anyone doesn't get it, that is called sarcasm). All of these people who give their sob stories in that article are ignorant. "I can't cheer for Carolina when they beat State because people won't like me." Cry me a river. That is pure crap. Friendly arguments my ass between which of our preferred teams have a better team. You go to this school, you pay to go to this school, you cheer for the rival and wear the rivals colors to your own home game against them, you are a shitty person. I grew up a Carolina fan, and I still root for Carolina in ACC play, but if they ever played Charlotte, I would root against them as if we were playing Cinci, Mempiss, or any team that Thuggie Bizzle decides to coach. Why, because Charlotte is my school. I went there and I'm proud that I went there. Oh, and as for people who are neutral fans, not students of Charlotte; they can wear whatever they want in my opinion because I'll be damned if I don't go to a Carolina game once a year decked out in green. I welcome any hecklers. Anyways, that is my two cent rambling for the day. [B]This message was brought to you by the ACWHI (Association of Citizens Who Hate Ignorance). No ignorant people were harmed in the making of this message. We tried though.[/B]

Sorry, Sub I wasnā€™t dissing a business degree I just used it for example b/c its generally offered at just about every University. If thatā€™s not why you said it ok, but if it is sorry I wasnā€™t taking a shot at business majorsā€¦ and I would want Charlotte to beat Carolina too.

They should never root against their own school.
No State student should cheer for Carolina to beat State, & vice versa.
What a back-stabbing a55hole.

Sorry, Sub I wasn't dissing a business degree I just used it for example b/c its generally offered at just about every University. If that's not why you said it ok, but if it is sorry I wasn't taking a shot at business majors... and I would want Charlotte to beat Carolina too.

Na, that comment wasnā€™t meant for you at all. Iā€™m sorry if it came accross that way. It was meant for people who will down any degree from Charlotte, just because itā€™s not Carolina. Iā€™ve dealt with that, and Iā€™m sure others have too. Everyone that I have met in the business world who know anything know that a Charlotte degree is a good degree. Of course we have majors that arenā€™t as prominent as others, but you can find that in any University you look at.

People always say that people go to Charlotte because they can't get into Carolina. I could've gone to Carolina and I picked Charlotte because I liked it better. I received my Business Degree in 2004 with a concentration in Marketing, and right now I'm in charge of Marketing for the Charlotte area for the company that I work for. I think this Business Major is doing pretty good with a lowly Charlotte degree (in case anyone doesn't get it, that is called sarcasm). All of these people who give their sob stories in that article are ignorant. "I can't cheer for Carolina when they beat State because people won't like me." Cry me a river. That is pure crap. Friendly arguments my ass between which of our preferred teams have a better team. You go to this school, you pay to go to this school, you cheer for the rival and wear the rivals colors to your own home game against them, you are a shitty person. I grew up a Carolina fan, and I still root for Carolina in ACC play, but if they ever played Charlotte, I would root against them as if we were playing Cinci, Mempiss, or any team that Thuggie Bizzle decides to coach. Why, because Charlotte is my school. I went there and I'm proud that I went there. Oh, and as for people who are neutral fans, not students of Charlotte; they can wear whatever they want in my opinion because I'll be damned if I don't go to a Carolina game once a year decked out in green. I welcome any hecklers. Anyways, that is my two cent rambling for the day. [B]This message was brought to you by the ACWHI (Association of Citizens Who Hate Ignorance). No ignorant people were harmed in the making of this message. We tried though.[/B]
:thumbsup: Damn, that's good stuff.:headbang:

[QUOTE=Submarley734;212510]People always say that people go to Charlotte because they canā€™t get into Carolina. I couldā€™ve gone to Carolina and I picked Charlotte because I liked it better. I received my Business Degree in 2004 with a concentration in Marketing, and right now Iā€™m in charge of Marketing for the Charlotte area for the company that I work for. I think this Business Major is doing pretty good with a lowly Charlotte degree (in case anyone doesnā€™t get it, that is called sarcasm). All of these people who give their sob stories in that article are ignorant. ā€œI canā€™t cheer for Carolina when they beat State because people wonā€™t like me.ā€ Cry me a river. That is pure crap. Friendly arguments my ass between which of our preferred teams have a better team. You go to this school, you pay to go to this school, you cheer for the rival and wear the rivals colors to your own home game against them, you are a shitty person. I grew up a Carolina fan, and I still root for Carolina in ACC play, but if they ever played Charlotte, I would root against them as if we were playing Cinci, Mempiss, or any team that Thuggie Bizzle decides to coach. Why, because Charlotte is my school. I went there and Iā€™m proud that I went there. Oh, and as for people who are neutral fans, not students of Charlotte; they can wear whatever they want in my opinion because Iā€™ll be damned if I donā€™t go to a Carolina game once a year decked out in green. I welcome any hecklers. Anyways, that is my two cent rambling for the day. [B]This message was brought to you by the ACWHI (Association of Citizens Who Hate Ignorance). No ignorant people were harmed in the making of this message. We tried though.[/B][/QUOTE]

Nice ******* post. Very well stated.

I was also accepted to ā€œchapel hillā€ (and thatā€™s what most of my friends who went there called/still call it) but I elected to go to Charlotte instead, and for numerous reasons.

I donā€™t mind people wearing attire from their real school to our games (we need all the fans we can get), but like others have stated, Charlotte students that wear attire from other schools to our games look like they have a problem. I guess the one exception is a grad student when we are playing their undergrad alma mater.

And as far as the ā€œother school you grew up withā€ā€¦ I grew up going to Wake games and continued going to Wake games after graduating from Charlotte, but I promise that Iā€™ve been decked out in green every time we have played Wakeā€¦ and now even have some issues with some of their fans.