OT: It's not only at Charlotte ...

… where you deal with students wearing gear/cheering for other schools


Wow, howd ya find that gem?

Great read btw. Althought lately its gotten better. People only wear Carolina sweatshirts now, with Niner Nation shirts underneath.

Although, in the case of a rivalry, that shouldnt happen at all…

Last game, we heckled the freak outta a kid with his Carolina sweatshirt on

Funny thing is that at GW, I saw [B]NO[/B] other schools represented on someone’s chest. There was a parent at the pregame reception wearing this…


Using a student ticket and sitting in the student section with the opposing teams gear is probably not a good idea. Other than that, I think we should lighten up on the “only wear charlotte gear” issue. It does happen everywhere. I have invited neighbors from other parts of the country and they wore their corresponding sweatshirt - Wisconsin and Penn State - and I was actually worried that someone would start some crap with one of them. We need all the support we can get even if it is not their first love.

I usually wear Charlotte gear (at least a hat) to the Wake games I go to… but I don 't know of many Wake students or grads wearing another team’s attire at their games.

Wait, they didnt have a plain shirt? The only shirt they brought with them was a Penn State or Wisconsin shirt (thats still probably acceptable, compared to a tarhell/dooke shirt) ? Come on, if your going to sit in the student section, and going to make enough of an effort to sit with the more hardcore section, you can make an effort to atleast wear a white shirt.

There is section 105 for people who show up late wearing other team colors and still want front row.

Death to all infidels!

Have some freakin’ pride in your school and who you are. Going to school A and pulling for school B (especially OVER school A) is pathetic and just downright stupid.

I think we need to ease up a bit. Two years ago, I went to a game at UT vs. Memphis. I wore a Charlotte sweater. I went as a basketball fan observing a conference foe and another good team in what should have been (and was) a good game. While I think that every Niner should wear Niner apparel to Niner games, I think booing the casual fan (WHO BOUGHT A FREAKING TICKET WHICH HELPS FUND OUR FREAKING ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT) for not wearing Niner gear is not only counterproductive, but just plain rude. We need all the butts in the seats right now we can get. Beggars can’t be choosers. I don’t think I would ever go back to a Texas game again if someone gave me crap for representing my school.

Now, if it’s a Charlotte student wearing another schools apparel to our game, GIVE THEM HELL!

[QUOTE=austinniner;212449]Now, if it’s a Charlotte student wearing another schools apparel to our game, GIVE THEM HELL![/QUOTE]
I think that’s where all of this started Auston. Now it’s been generalized by some people to anyone.

I think that's where all of this started Auston. Now it's been generalized by some people to anyone.

Yeah, that’s what the whole issue is about… Students doing this… not the general public.

I seem to recall some Niners calling out a guy who was at a game with his kids and wife I believe… That is unacceptable. [B][I]Only applies to Charlotte students.[/I][/B]

[QUOTE=forDniner;212442]Have some freakin’ pride in your school and who you are. Going to school A and pulling for school B (especially OVER school A) is pathetic and just downright stupid.[/QUOTE]

those are the ones who arn’t smart enough or don’t have enough money to attend the schools of thier choice. Either way if they go here, they might as well acknowledge that this is a respectable school and should start thinking of forging thier own path instead of rooting for the team that thier father rooted for. (who probably only roots for teams that are traditionally good, without any relation to the school at all; only roots for that team so that they can say my team is good, or because its a popular choice and just wants to fit in).

I seem to recall some Niners calling out a guy who was at a game with his kids and wife I believe... That is unacceptable. [B][I]Only applies to Charlotte students.[/I][/B]

When? not this yeah for sure.

For all the people that say heckling should be limited to student sections, wearing specific items of clothing for sporting events is common sense, too. People wouldn’t dare wear an Eagles jersey to the Black Hole (well, back when the Raiders were good). People don’t where a Berlin shirt to an FC Bayern match. I’m not even sure it would be wise to wear a 1816 shirt (a lower leagued team in Munchen) to an FC Bayern match. It’s especially true to wear a rival’s shirt or a team that the fans are adverse to. Most of the world would start a fight because of the clothing. Thank goodness the US is alot more accepting, but people still have to use a little common sense.

I’m not supporting heckling people, but if a person puts on a shirt with another team splashed across it, they should know that can act like a target. And when I ever bring a guest, it’s pretty simple to request, “Please don’t wear a blue or red shirt.”

Wow, howd ya find that gem?

Great read btw. Althought lately its gotten better. People only wear Carolina sweatshirts now, with Niner Nation shirts underneath.

The Technician is the NC State paper…

[QUOTE]Jordan Buck, a sophomore in sports management, said she has been a UNC fan for as long as she can remember. She said even though she is getting her education at NCSU, she will always be a Tar Heel at heart.[/QUOTE]

This is preposterous. I don’t have a problem with someone pulling for another school that is not the one they are attending or an alumnus of, but pulling for said school [B][I]over[/I][/B] your current school or alma mater? Even if your mom/dad/other relative is an alumnus, it’s absurd. I’ve seen others that have the dilemma of pulling for undergrad team or grad school team. That’s the ONLY time I could see someone pulling [I][B]against[/B][/I] their alma mater.

Why do people want to wear another school’s clothing to a game where their team is not playing? I don’t get it. A) Nobody at that game is going to care that you like said school, B) It’s likely to piss somebody off, C) It’s somewhat disrespectful, as if saying this school on my shirt is better than either school playing, and D) if you can afford the ticket to the game you surely have another shirt in your closet. I’ve been to Wake games before when they were playing a big-time non-conference opponent and had enough sense not to wear a Charlotte shirt to the game.

[QUOTE=cakewalk]but if a person puts on a shirt with another team splashed across it, they should know that can act like a target. And when I ever bring a guest, it’s pretty simple to request, “Please don’t wear a blue or red shirt.”[/QUOTE]

Echoing these sentiments, but no one had to tell me that it just wasn’t the right thing to do.

People can definately have some warped ideas about school spirit and sportsmanship. A while back, one guy on here was telling what he and his possee may do to someone wearing a blue hat. Later on he’s telling how he booed our center and coach while watching the game on tv at a local restuarant. Some people seem to go out of the way to make thier own school’s fans look classless.

This is preposterous. I don't have a problem with someone pulling for another school that is not the one they are attending or an alumnus of, but pulling for said school [B][I]over[/I][/B] your current school or alma mater? Even if your mom/dad/other relative is an alumnus, it's absurd. I've seen others that have the dilemma of pulling for undergrad team or grad school team. That's the ONLY time I could see someone pulling [I][B]against[/B][/I] their alma mater.

I didn’t come to this school for athletics. I came b/c I liked this school and its atmosphere and the fact it offered the major I wanted, one (architecture) that is tougher then normal to find and not offered at every institution (like arts, sciences, or business degrees). I root for Charlotte all the time and want to see them succeed in all ventures but for 18 years I cheered for only one other team. For some of you it may be cut in dry, but for some people its not so. Good thing is I never have to worry about Charlotte playing said team. I’m not a casual basketball fan either, I watch as much as possible and growing up my dad taught me the game, not how just to shoot but when your 10 and know what the off-man is doing, back screens, and the only kid in a rec. league taking charges, you have a much larger appreciation for the game. I emulate my style after my favorite team b/c I feel they give 110% and are very scrutinous of all facets of the game. Not b/c I couldn’t get into school there for a business degree.