OT: Raleigh Whines Over Losing Tourney

Pretty girl steals the tourney

Raleigh feeling ugly after losing CIAA

News & Observer (Raleigh)

Talk about getting dumped. Here we sit in Raleigh, blubbering into our tea, the day after the CIAA announced its intention to ditch the City of Oaks for Charlotte.

We got jilted in favor of the more popular girl, with the name-brand clothes and the $70 haircut. The gal with the boob job, the derm-abrasion and Botox – not to mention the collagen injections in her big, puffy lips.

Oh, it was classic. We heard all the standard lines. We got, “This isn’t about you; it’s about me.”

With the 2005 games still to be played in Raleigh, we certainly got, “Can we still be friends?”

Call me naive, but somehow I thought we had something deeper than that.

Sure, sure, there was always talk that we’d be open to other relationships.

But who knew it would hurt so much?

At $11 million in lost revenue, get the Kleenex.

But there can be an upside to a broken heart.

Consider the painful history of a male friend of mine. In the ninth grade, he was dumped by a girl named Claudia for an older guy who had sinewy arms and drove a '56 Chevy.

The fact that he could drive any car was the key.

My friend was brokenhearted.

He was also motivated. He couldn’t drive yet, but he could pump iron. And he did. That’s how he ended up with the six-pack abs and buff physique he sports to this day.

OK, so he’s one or two cans short of a six-pack. But the point is, my friend didn’t just sit around whining and feeling sorry for himself. He did something.

Raleigh can, too.

The tournament may have been lured by Charlotte’s soon-to-open downtown arena. Unfortunately, the luster of Raleigh’s once-new arena – built conveniently out in the middle of a field – seemed to dim after six years. That’s bound to happen in relationships.

But Raleigh’s on a self-improvement kick, too. We’re building a convention center (that would be downtown) and reopening Fayetteville Street Mall (also downtown).

Of course, Raleigh’s social scene is still a work in progress – not enough to compete against Charlotte’s proposed “CIAA Village” or the Queen City’s emphasis on belonging to “both of the Carolinas” as the conference looks to expand farther south.

Going up against Boosterville is a bit like Mary Ann on “Gilligan’s Island” trying to outshine the starlet Ginger.

Still, over time, Ginger may not prove the passionate partner she appears to be now. Her interests might just turn to other suitors.

In matters of the heart, as in economic development, patience is sometimes the best counsel.

So, for now, let’s swallow our pride and agree to “just be friends.” Because this is one of those breakups where you know the CIAA is going to come crawling back.

See, Charlotte’s real pretty. She dresses up fancy. And she’s obviously got a catchy pickup line.

She’s the girl you want to take to the drive-in or the disco.

Raleigh’s the girl you want to bring home to mom.

-_- :fastgun: :flame: :tool: :violin: :butt: :knob:

That great. That city (and part of the state) gets so much State support it makes me sick. Let him lose a little. Maybe it will humble them in the slightest bit.

I would say most of Raleigh does not care about this event. It certainly seems like the CIAA was asking more and more. The folks at RBC Centura (in Rocky Mount, NC) are the ones kicking themselves on the arena deal… with no hockey and the loss of this annual event.

I do agree it seems like the Charlotte arena is going to be much better planned area to handle such events. The RBC Center is an slightly upgraded college arena with no style whatsoever. My favorite arena today is still the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH.

[i]Originally posted by ApexNiner[/i]@Dec 17 2004, 12:42 PM [b] I would say most of Raleigh does not care about this event. It certainly seems like the CIAA was asking more and more. The folks at RBC Centura (in Rocky Mount, NC) are the ones kicking themselves on the arena deal... with no hockey and the loss of this annual event.

I do agree it seems like the Charlotte arena is going to be much better planned area to handle such events. The RBC Center is an slightly upgraded college arena with no style whatsoever. My favorite arena today is still the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH. [/b]

Rocky Mount, NC…hometown to such legends as myself and Jason Jordan! :smiley:

I disagree with their analogies of Raleigh and Charlotte. Charlotte is more like the successful cinderella despite how much Raleigh tries in vain to beat it down like the wicked step-sister it is. :smiley:

[i]Originally posted by Smoothieking[/i]@Dec 17 2004, 02:32 PM [b] Rocky Mount, NC.....hometown to such legends as myself and Jason Jordan! :D [/b]
And Tori Amos...

… saywaitaminute :stuck_out_tongue:

[i]Originally posted by Smoothieking[/i]@Dec 17 2004, 02:32 PM [b] Rocky Mount, NC.....hometown to such legends as myself and Jason Jordan! :D


And only 20 minutes from my hometown.

[i]Originally posted by ApexNiner[/i]@Dec 17 2004, 12:42 PM [b] I would say most of Raleigh does not care about this event..... [/b]
ditto for most of Charlotte.... but it does help boost the local economy. I'm surprised Raleigh's city leaders don't go whining to the state legislature & ask for money to offset their loss of revenue.