Place Kicker (Junior College)

Player: Tim Gill
Place Kicker/Punter
Weight: 190 Height: 6’0"

Skills Video for Field Goals: New Years Workout
Kickoffs coming soon

Welcome to NinerNation.Net Tim. I guess this is now the recruiting portal for hopeful future Niners.

Thanks Nugget, I just learned of UNC Charlottes upcoming program a few weeks ago and thought I would contact the program as I am trying to continue my education in North Carolina as well as play football. I had originally planned on going to UNC-C for academics before I decided to take the Junior College route for football so I am certainly interested in keeping in touch with the school.

Tim, please fill out a recruiting questionnaire here:

Thanks for the link to the questionnaire, 2K.

Another workout from the other day in 20-30 mph wind conditions. Wind was blowing to my left throughout the whole workout

I tried kicking once.
It is harder than it looks.
I looked like a fool.

Nice Haiku there, it definitely isn’t easy it took me a long time to become consistent with my form and gain the mental toughness it takes. Since then its been an everyday thing for me which is the reason why I have progressed in such a short amount of time. Not many kickers can kick off the ground with good height and distance with as little experience as me. I’ll be two years experienced in a few months.

clt provides another kicking video: Can I Kick It?