Polynesian Semi Final (5)Sideshow v. (2)49or bust


Teacher vs. Student… difficult.

My young Padowan is off to a good start. But the Jedi Master always wins.

You can’t win, Bust. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Isn’t this actually the final, and not the semifinal?

Isn't this actually the final, and not the semifinal?
Yep. All 4 of the POY contests are the regional finals.

Well done Mr. Kenobi. This fight was definitely more like the one on the death star where Vader eliminates old Ben with little effort and one single blow spelling the end – not like the one by the lava flows.

But keep in mind, guys, I am not a member of the Dark Side and this is no reason to not vote for me in the next round. I am a student of the greener hued side of the force and a champion of its ideals.

kenobi had it coming for handing out tarhole blue lightsaber, i guess there were wal*marts on tatooine