Radio for Southern Illinois game

Just went to the S. Illinois website, says they have a free radio feed. So for those of us too cheap for yahoo and living away from Charlotte, this might be the best option (along with Jim Utter coming through in the shoutbox):

Of course, it means enduring homer announcers. And you have to download quicktime if you don’t have it already. See:



Just went to the S. Illinois website, says they have a free radio feed. So for those of us too cheap for yahoo and living away from Charlotte, this might be the best option (along with Jim Utter coming through in the shoutbox): [URL][/URL]

Of course, it means enduring homer announcers. And you have to download quicktime if you don’t have it already. See:


Our announcers are pretty good, but I know I hate listening to the other team’s announcers. What is the link for the yahoo video feed?

I believe its this one:

I’ll try that again:


I'll try that again:
