Rasslin' 🏆

That raw last night was ridiculous. 32 mins of wrestling in a 3 hr show. Entrances takes 10 mins a piece, talk talk talk talk Thank god for AEW being a wrestling show. I dunno how to classify WWE these days but not sure wrestling fits.

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One giant infomercial!

clt is ready to drop netflix. no need to pay extra to watch commercials

aint nobody got time for that GIF

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Were there commercials on all the feeds? Even if you have the ad free tier?

When I was in high school, there were the goths, the drama clubs kids, the jocks, the rich kids, the normal kids and then the weird guys that watched wrestling. I guess this is how they turned out. Interesting.

Hawk wasn’t eaxactly “short”. I believe he was around 6’4".

Then the “Road Warriors” at the Supershow were stand ins as they both were shorter than me and I am 6’1”. I have a picture of me with them somewhere and I am as tall as both.

Classic Charlotte picture

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Wow…that brings back memories !

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What year was that? You know?

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That’s 1972.


That’s right! I’ll take Franklin’s word! I got to UNCC in 1970. Assistant to the Chancellor. Dean Colvard, Prince of a man!

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clt says we need a raw at halton

ric flair wwe GIF

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And a Bikini Day at the Hayes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Nah we need a Dynamite in Halton!



Happy Joel Mchale GIF by ABC Network

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Here I Am Wrestling GIF by AEWonTV

Britt Baker DMD and shes a real dentist, like for real.


I like it !