Rasslin' 🏆

How could you leave out Ivan and Nikita Koloff? :slight_smile: …BTW, Ivan lived right off Lawyers Road in Mint Hill and used to shop at the Food Lion on Lawyers in Mint Hill as well. He was soooo soft spoken, you could barely hear him when speaking with him. Super nice guy…it was wild then seeing him on TV in character.

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Nikita vs Magnum was one of my alltime faves…loved the Russian gimmick they had in the 80s with the chain too.

Nikita is the same…very soft spoken and very well spoken.

80s NWA was outstanding

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I meet Nikita at a Charity Golf Event at Cliffs of Walnut Cove. Seemed like a decent guy. Lex Luger was there too. In a wheelchair, looked rough

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Fav wrestling in the wild memory was being in maybe 6th grade and seeing Lex eating dinner at the Belmont Pizza Hut with some blonde. Limo pulls up and Arn, Ric and Tully get out and come in the Pizza Hut. Brief case handcuffed to Tullys wrist. They chat for a bit and then Lex leaves in the limo with them. I was blown away. Saw all 4 4 horseman. I hate that especially with the WWE kayfabe is dead.

In the late 90s met Chris Benoit at a Ruby Tuesdays around Atlanta. He was with Nancy. Shook his hand. He was so nice. Weird reflecting back on that given what happened with them.

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Saw the Big Show at Outback off 77 in Rock Thrill SC. Sitting all by himself in a booth. Filled up the whole booth. LOL. A large, large human.



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I thought this was a thread about college wrestling and charlotte’s club team. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

That would be wrestling :smiling_face:

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Fair enough