SGA in the News

The students are paying these fees against their will, therefore it is realy a TAX, therefore James is correct.
That's baloney. They choose to go to school here.

Choosing to go to school here doesn’t make it any less of a tax.
People choose to live in NC & the US, but that doesn’t mean they like the tax rate. I suppose you want all tax haters to move to the Bahamas or some other country w/ a 0% tax rate.

Choosing to go to school here doesn't make it any less of a tax. People choose to live in NC & the US, but that doesn't mean they like the tax rate. I suppose you want all tax haters to move to the Bahamas or some other country w/ a 0% tax rate.

You suppose wrong. Anyway, I don’t want to get into a philosophical debate over this. I’m not even necessarily for transit nor do I like how student fees are allocated. But do realize Bill James is lying when he says the UNC Charlotte administration is speaking through SGA.