Should we have an AI thread?

Being in the data science space and working with AI… I truly worry about the future job situation for my kids. I’m glad I’m on the tail end of my career.

It’s hard to know exactly what effect it will have, but I think for a while it will just be augmentation.

AGI is the real scare to me though. Artificial General Intelligence.


We used to have that issue with factory automation when I first started in the business. Now people don’t want to work so factory automation is the only reason we have production. We can embrace technology as long as we use it in a manner that improves humanity.

Good thing our leaders are known for sound logical decisions.


By that logic I assume you also want to ban the internet, the car, farm machinery, and the telephone, and essentially all factory equipment, right?

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The things you mention are different. They are tools used by humans.

AI has the potential to displace the need for any human in many business or industrial applications.

It’s an apples to oranges comparison.

As a historian, I need to disagree…cars replaced horses and displaced a lot of people; email replaced letters, displaced a lot of people; telephones displaced telegraph workers; cell phones replaced landlines for many people, which displaced a lot of people…I know I’m being pedantic, but all technological advancements cause disruption and displacement of some sort…my point is, that it’s not apples to oranges, we simply don’t know the extent to which AI will be industrially applicable.


On the other hand, it takes more people to build, service, sell and supply parts, gas, tires, etc. than taking care of a horse and buggy. Telegraphic workers were replaced with switchboard operators. Landlines still exist but cell phones require constant upgrading to meet technology demands so many more workers need to manufacture and sell the products. Even with AI technology, a new work force has to be created to maintain and upgrade that technology and open up completely new job opportunities but just in a different career field. Just imaging a few years back anyone even considering going to school to obtain a computer information system degree. Things change so does career fields.

clt regrets studying typewriter repair


I’m thinking my job is safe…


A key thing to remember is with declining populations we will need automation in a lot of sectors.

I don’t think history plays into this.

AI is not just another tool or efficiency improvement.

We have never seen anything like this in human history.

If it reaches its full potential it will be able to displace knowledge workers.

We are talking about artificial intelligence here, not a better mousetrap.

It’s potentially game changing in a way no one fully understands or can anticipate.

The concern i think is between machine advances and AI advances we are looking at a future where computers and machines can do everything from manufacturing to the arts.

The bad is that brings into question the role of humanity in this new future. Who can buy stuff is no one is making money?

The good is it does present an possible future where society needs are met and people are allowed to pursue passions.

I think human work is going to continue to be focused on custom professional services from construction to personal services. A bunch of fairly repetitive office jobs are going to go away. Our economy may actually shift more towards something people from 100 years ago might recognize in terms of independent contractors performing hands on services.

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Trade jobs are where I would be if I were 18 years old.


Yeah. It will be a long time before there is an AI robotic plumber. If ever.

Actually I think humanity would be extinct by that point or living in the matrix.

clt says learn a trade or how to program a cnc machine

no need for another Sanskrit major