Show your love for Beasley

He is still committed to us as of now, so post here to show him your love, and if this thread falls down, bump it back up because we here at Charlotte love Michael Beasley and we want him to take our basketball team to the next level.

If Michael Beasley is going to come on here, we need to let him know how we really feel about him

That is right. He hasn’t decommitted. We took a slap and a stab but we’re gonna make it. Beasley coming here would definitely be a victory not only for us but also for all of college basketball because it would show the risk of making the package deals.

I’ve posted here about 10 times in the last day why Beasley won’t go.

Have faith people

We’ve been follwing him (albeit from afar) for a couple of years now. I’d be a TMB fan no matter what he chooses. Remember, he’s still a young kid. Talented yes, but still a kid. Just hope he stays away from negative influences and people not looking out for his best interests, and is happy with his decision whatever it may be.

clt still endorses beasley. clt doesnt endorse delonte hill.

Good thread. This is frustrating but as far as we know he still will be a Niner. We all would love to see you in Niner green Mike.

The night we went to Providence Day to watch MB play was probably the best time I had as a Niner fan this past season.

PD students: "Why are you here?"
Niner Nation: “Michael Beasley!”

Pretty much sums it up.

BEASLEY is so powerful he can do his own recruiting and win a nat’l championship at Charlotte. You are still a NINER TMB.

I don’t quite understand why the presence of one person (in this case Dalonte Hill) makes or breaks a kid’s decision to play ball here. What, are they going to hang out, play some video games and run some ass together or something? At the end of the day that really shouldn’t matter IMHO. Hill isn’t the coach, Lutz is. If you ask me, if Beasley goes to K-State it will be because of Huggins and the Big 12 conference.

I have faith that Mike B. will come to Charlotte… He said he will, and I believe him.

It’s a great school, a great city, and we have GREAT fans. Halton will be PACKED when he plays.

When he comes here after this shady Huggins/Hill fiasco has taken place, people will just love him that much more! Think about it, if he was going to be worshiped before… think about what it would be like after all of this and he still comes. People will name their kids after him!!

Speaking of kids, my 4-year old has been excited about our “great player” that will be here soon. He wants to make a t-shirt with him on it to wear at the games when he plays.

If people chanted Pops’ name at George Washington this past year when he walked around campus, imagine what will happen when Beasley walks around.

Everyone might just bow down.

Come to Charlotte, Michael. It will be the best decision of your life.

Go to NBA games while in school, play in the NCAA Tournament, have a great time in a great city and move on to the NBA.

Seems like a no-brainer to me.

word. this guy will be a living legend if he comes to charlotte

We should get Cornbread Maxwell to pay Beasley a visit to let him know how well we treat our players.

We should get Cornbread Maxwell to pay Beasley a visit to let him know how well we treat our players.

That’s actually a pretty good idea…take Henry W. with him. Nice guy.

Good ideas, but of alas recruiting violations. :slight_smile:

I’d like him to come here and honor the verbal, but either way, it’s been a fun two years of anticipation following his HS career and the flirtations of Nolan Smith with every major program in the country.

I am skeptical, but would be absolutely thrilled if Beasley actually came here. I would say that an overwhelming majority still wants him to play here. I am part of that majority. This has not changed, only the public perception of the likeliness of this has changed.

we <3 beasley

Wish him the best no matter where he ends up. Hope it is in Halton for a few years, but where ever he goes I hope he has a great career.

We love you Mike…Can’t wait to see you in Halton!!!