Sports popularity, marketing, growth etc

Interesting comments from Novak Djokovic about the state of tennis and how it relates to other sports. Didn’t realize tennis ranked so high in terms of participation and fans, but according to Djokovic, way down the list on growth and marketing.

Anyway, haven’t been able to find the PTPA study he refers to but other studies seem to cooberate his statement about tennis being a top 5 sport.

He’s got a point. Tennis has a low cost of entry but a lot of courts are being converted to pickle ball which may further limit access.

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clt says pickle ball needs to be regulated

Baton Rouge Gold GIF by LSU Tigers

For context, the entire NCAA pulled in $1.3 Billion in revenue in 2023. Still small potatoes comparatively.

This Is Interesting Ll Cool J GIF by CBS

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Worst in what way? The actual city itself? Fan support? Ws and Ls? Playoff appearances? Facilities? Etc, etc.

Without context, it’s just clickbate.

Anywhere in Florida :rofl:

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Since I started this thread with a piece about tennis and specifically Novak Djokovic lamenting about marketing etc, things looking okay at the US Open: