Stadium Ideas and Options

[B]FIU Stadium Construction Plan:[/B]
[I]Phase one: September 2008 (complete)
Seating capacity to 20,000
1,400 club seats
6,500 square-foot Stadium Club
Upper concourse
New press box
FIU Stadium seating capacities

1995-2001 2002-2007 2008-2010 2011-
7,000 21,010 20,000 45,000
New lighting
New coaches offices
Expanded locker rooms
Expanded weight room
19 suites

[edit] Phase two: Fall 2008 (under construction)
4-story FIU Fieldhouse overlooking stadium

[edit] Phase three: 2009-2010
Seating increase and expansion of northern side of stadium for student section
Addition of a 100,000 Square-foot Student Services Complex (2010 football season). Includes offices for Admissions, Bursars, Housing, Financial Aid as well as study halls and conference auditoriums.

[edit] Phase four: 2010-2011
Seating capacity will increase to 45,000.
Expanded upper concourse
Construction of additional luxury suites and club seats
FIU Alumni Center
Restaurant overlooking the field
Main Street FIU[/I]


[B]Florida Atlantic[/B][URL=][/URL]

Self discribed as a UCF lite stadium.

[B]Akron Stadium[/B]


Which of the two currently proposed stadium options do you guys prefer? (They start around slide 25)

A) Behind the Alumni Center
B) Take over the rec fields and put the stadium between central campus and CRI

Iā€™m thinking B would help build the schoolā€™s image in a stronger way. Other opinions?

[QUOTE=darrenmoorehead;372328]Which of the two currently proposed stadium options do you guys prefer? (They start around slide 25)

A) Behind the Alumni Center
B) Take over the rec fields and put the stadium between central campus and CRI

Iā€™m thinking B would help build the schoolā€™s image in a stronger way. Other opinions?[/QUOTE]

tim ernst and i spoke with the chancellor about this at his SGA christmas party about 2 weeks ago, and option b is the one they are going with

Option B FTW!

B) Take over the rec fields and put the stadium between central campus and CRI

Iā€™m thinking B would help build the schoolā€™s image in a stronger way. Other opinions?

I like B becauseā€¦

[list type=decimal]
[]Proximity to campus
]Proximity to LYNX
I donā€™t like B becauseā€¦

[list type=decimal]
[]It may get too congested
]When you pull into CRI, you get a nice view of the campus. That might be gone with the stadium on the rec fields.
Another thing to considerā€¦where will the stadium be most visible from? If you put it on the rec fields, will you b able to see it from Tryon? Also, if you put it behind the Alumni Center, it will be visible from TWO busy roads, Harris AND 49. Visibility is important.

tim ernst and i spoke with the chancellor about this at his SGA christmas party about 2 weeks ago, and option b is the one they are going with
Good. This option seems to make sense and present the fewest logistical issues.... and it could even solve the baseball parking problems.

It hasnā€™t been that many years ago that I was riding my mountain bike on bike trails that ran through that area. I never would have ā€œthunkā€ we would have a football stadium going up there this soon.

If at option B, would it be viewable from 29 or would CRI block the view?

Visibility is important.
I agree, but not unless the stadium looks larger than a high school stadium. 20,000 seats in the 1st stage should look ok. 12,000 could be a different story.
I agree, but not unless the stadium looks larger than a high school stadium. 20,000 seats in the 1st stage should look ok. 12,000 could be a different story.

Good point.

PSā€¦ this thread makes my head hurt.

PS... this thread makes my head hurt.

This thread makes me excited!

S***! Iā€™m just excited to see it on a campus map! Hot D***!

I like Option A because of its space, which could lead to greater diversity in design in the stadium and area surrounding. I also think it would be quite visible from Harris and Tryon intersection. The only problem(s) is the disconnect from campus and the environment surrounding. But I think I would much rather prefer it farther away toallow for better traffic flow on gameday. Option B is great, but it just seems so clustered and there is a small amount of room to expand unless they intrude on the projected CRI layout. But hey, just the thought of us even planning for a football stadium is exciting.

clt heard phil say that the alumni house option is the way to goā€¦ clt is glad that we are having this discussion.

I like the idea of putting it between the CRI and baseball stadium, especially if it is put in there so that one end zone is oriented towards the CRI and the other is towards main campusā€¦ I believe it is like that in the map.

What an amazing view that would be, sitting in the stands and out one end zone you see the CRI, and out the other you see campus. Even as we build the stadium up, if we build up the sidelines before the end zones, we may be able to keep that view all the way up to 40,000 seats and beyond.

Also, 49RFootballNow, can you edit that picture with a thumbnail? Itā€™s a bit big for the site, makes reading this thread a bit tough.

[QUOTE=thelew1014;372360]Also, 49RFootballNow, can you edit that picture with a thumbnail? Itā€™s a bit big for the site, makes reading this thread a bit tough.[/QUOTE]

Maybe we can just bump his post to another page. We can do it!

[QUOTE=C49er;372371]Maybe we can just bump his post to another page. We can do it![/QUOTE]


the style/size/architecture and overall quality of the stadium is more important than where on campus it sits. the important part is that it sits on campus. (that said, if it were close to the lightrail line, that would be a huge benefit).

count me in as ready to hear what the details for the ninerseatlicenses are going to be.

Maybe we can just bump his post to another page. We can do it!
Let me try.
