Stan Jones (FSU AHC)

per Utter twitter:

Hearing Florida State assoc hc Stan Jones in the mix for Charlotte 49ers men's bball job. Not sure how serious interest is on Clt end tho.


Not a bad name,just too far south for me although FSU recruits nationally. He’s 50, may have played the assistant gig too long.

Very good recruiter, but also was an assistant coach in the NBA (where actual coaching matters more than abilities to sign high school kids)

Not a bad name to have in the mix.

no thanks,

he is a BCS lifer at Miami, Miss St, FSU

he will have no clue how to adapt to this/our world

congrats to Utter though for finally scooping NNN, Goodman, and other blogs
bout time… :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless he can bring Hamiltons contacts and the NIKE bandwagon I can not judge his recruiting ability.

Bump. Update

[quote=“Jim Utter, post:7, topic:22931”]Bump. Update[/quote]

We’re still interviewing Pat Kelsey this weekend, right? You didn’t mention it in your update so I was wondering if something’s changed.

This guy isn’t a bad option. he can coach. he draws up every end of game situation for the Noles.