Step Away...

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

You won’t be missed.

[QUOTE=Hooligan;139893]I called the Ticket Office to ask about refunds for my season tickets. The guy that answered said he didnt know and I would have to talk to the Manager. The manager asked why I wanted a refund. I said I just couldnt use my tickets this year. He said that this is the last week possible for a full refund. After the first home game NO REFUND!

CALL 704-687-4949 if you want a refund THIS WEEK![/QUOTE]

Please…do all of us a favor…refund YOUR tickets…idiot!!

Yes Hooligan, please refund your tickets, you knob-gobbling quitter.

However lets wait til loss #2 until we start calling up the guillotine.

So where’s the guillotine?

It’s one thing to be upset with the team’s and Lutz’ performances so far Hooligan. But to come here and post that kind of bullshat is ridiculous. Shows that you are not a true 49ers fan. We’re all unhappy right now and it cretainly shows. But I think you are the only one that says you wont’s support the team. Fair weather fans are easy to find.

I first held season tickets during the Wisselball era beginning in the 1982-83 season and I’ve had them since. And while I am not cleared by the doctors yet to travel to Charlotte, giving up my tickets is the furthest thought in my mind, even if they don’t win another game.

Glad you were here, but I hope you find a team you will still with through thick and thin.

[QUOTE=HP49er;140008]Fair weather fans are easy to find.


Great. Lets round up a couple of thousand for the next game at home.

[QUOTE=NinerAdvocate;139894]Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

You won’t be missed.[/QUOTE]

One more empty seat may not be missed by some people, but most of us would like to see the Niners gain fans, not lose them.

Not that type of fan!

[QUOTE=gamer;140078]but most of us.[/QUOTE]

gamer purportedly speaking for NINER fans?

Holy freaking crap. Spare me. Your fellow fans are located two hours up the road buddy.

The new definition for audacity is in that post.

[QUOTE=gamer;140072]Great. Lets round up a couple of thousand for the next game at home.[/QUOTE]

By definition you need “fair weather” to gain “fair weather fans.” I’m pretty sure a 1-2 start doesn’t count as fair weather. Way to think that one through.