With a new era of Charlotte Athletics in the major college sports (New Football + Basketball Coaches/Staffs) and Mike Hill as AD at Charlotte, I wanted to open up a discussion about supporting the athletics at Charlotte through the 49er Club. Simple questions and responses would be very helpful.
I realize a lot of these recent changes have led to a lot of you coming back to support athletics and get behind some of the social initiatives (49er Club Flag Gift, Beard Fund, NNG, etc) but wanted to focus more on what your expectations are when giving to Athletics. Let’s table the matter of “If they win more, I will give more”. That is obvious in any environment in that everyone loves a winner. What this is directed at is your relationship to the giving and the things you like in return that may be experiences, interactions, and personal recognition.
If you feel better PM’ing the answers, that would work too.
49er Club Member? (Y/N):
Former 49er Club Member? (Y/N):
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form):
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt):
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?:
Please add any additional comments or ideas to the end. This information will certainly go a long way in advancing the 49er club.
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form): Green Jacket, personal visits from AD staff
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt): don’t really give a damn
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?: I give because I want to support the U and athletes. Access and experiences and items are not needed or required. Appreciated when offered but they do not drive my giving, why I give or how much I give.
I refused to join until Judy was let go, I joined the day of.
On separate occasions Chris Thomasson and Mike Hummer have called me in to just talk. I appreciated that so much. They let me see facilities and things like that, but more than that, they just let me talk, and answered questions I had, and that was so cool. It’s nice to see where our money goes. I know nobody in our AD will touch the issues of the previous regime with a ten foot pole, but if we are honest, there are a lot of former 49er club members that aren’t so trusting with their money anymore.
I don’t need either, BUT I feel like I fall into a target demographic of alums who graduated in the last 10 years that would appreciate either. A cool item, shirt, hat goes a long way with some people. We are really missing out on the young alum demographic. When I go to basketball hospitality, I am the youngest one in the room that is not someone’s child on a regular basis. I think initiatives like the grand slam club are awesome for this. I think something like that for football or basketball with a unique item available only to that group would be a good way to get some young alums. I know several of us have expressed interest in starting a “grand slam club” for golf simply because our golf team’s gear is amazing. I think that the venn diagram of people who donate to their university, and enjoy golf has a very large middle column.
I don’t give enough for points to matter honestly. I give what I can because I love our University, and I know how much athletics has brought me over the years. I honestly couldn’t tell you anything about the point structure or how it works.
I would like to add a closing thought, and I’ve spoken with Mike about this directly. We must find a way to get students involved while they are students. Maybe a group that leads the student section at games. I know when I was a student we did road trips with students and alums, and that introduced me to many of you. What I’m trying to say is, basketball was pretty bad when I graduated, but there was still an atmosphere at games. Even so, out of those 40-50 people that went to games religiously, I’d bet 2 or 3 of them donate today. We have failed miserably at locking people while they are on campus. I don’t blame any one person for that, but we have to do something about it now. If that takes a golf hat, or a t shirt cool, but we have to get those people back.
I also would like to add the note that we MUST get life back into 104 again. I will gladly help Michael Garrett, Mike Hill, or whoever in the world wants advice on how to fix it. The students want to cheer, but they’ve never seen it before. It died in 2014.
Mid 40s, N, Y, nothing memorable, I’d prefer enhancements to my experience, I bought FSLs to support the birth of a program, and maybe to get better seats when the stadium is expanded.
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form): clt likedthe bobble heads
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt): clt would like to coach the team for a play
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?:
[/quote] clt donates to support the team
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form): can’t think of anything. Went to a nice season kickoff party or I think that’s what it was, been too long.
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt): neither really
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?:
I give and have run this site for years to help the athletes and to do my part for the school that also gave me a lot. I want us to realize our potential. Getting a hat or a dinner won’t change anything I’m doing or have done. I want the administration to want what I want and I believe we have that now, at least in athletics.
As an aside. Before the change in administration, I was ready to shutter this place. My hope is renewed. Lets keep it that way .
I would venture to say most folks on this site aren’t looking for freebies as a motivator or they wouldn’t be hanging around here through these rough times.
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form): Emails with Mike Hill
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt): I’d say a combination of the two, items to start and experiences as one advances.
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?: I don’t support now, but I plan to because I want to support my University.
I agree with your last statement. Was going after that point and a lot here have reinforced it.
Thank you so much for running this site and everything you have done. This is a daily drop in for me and has connected me immensely to athletics since I have graduated.
Just as an aside, first instinct on why people in your age range don’t feel the same way as you?
I go back to your statement “I give and have run this site for years to help the athletes and to do my part for the school that also gave me a lot.” and wonder how that doesn’t translate more?
Age: 60 (on the 9th, PM me if you need gift ideas!)
49er Club Member? (Y/N): Y
Former 49er Club Member? (Y/N): Y - The best I can recall, I gave a couple of years between '82 and '90, then started giving annually, but not much, maybe $25 or $50. Went Green Jacket in 1993 I think.
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form): The Green Jacket. I outgrew the 1992 coat in a couple of years, but I replaced it a few years ago, and like to wear it to a basketball game sometime during the year. Do they still give out jackets? It would be great if they would pick a game and people would wear their jackets.
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt): I have enjoyed both. Winning, and traveling with other fans to the NCAAs or Conference Tournaments are the best experiences I have had. I will take more of that.
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?: Both. I feel like the educational assistance is a worthy cause, but the points definitely factor in. I like good seats, and I remember a time when our NCAA allocations were for less tickets than we had requests. I got tickets, and I want to make sure I get them next time too.
Thanks for your continued support and dedication! You have seen a pretty large range of performance in athletics at Charlotte .
They do still give out green jackets. You know they have a reception every year, correct? Having a coordinated event at a game would be cool to see though!
Your birthday gift is in the mail haha! Happy Early birthday to you.
Best Recognition of your giving to Charlotte Athletics that you remember? (Could be a promotional item, sticker, or name recognition in some form): I like the white C-pick flags we got in the mail.
Would you prefer experiences or items related to giving level in the 49er Club? (Experiences could be sideline passes, access to shootaround, etc; items would be a flag, hat, shirt): I don’t get back to town much anymore, so not a lot of good that would do me.
Does giving solely come with the thought of helping provide for a student athlete or is it based on the benefits/points structure?: I give primarily because I want to be part of the solution that makes my university’s profile grow. I want to help build something great. If everyone else had that same opinion, we would have a very large 49er club and would probably be in the SEC. Be part of the solution. I buy season tickets even though I hardly can attend a game. I want our attendance numbers to be two better because I bought season tickets. I also give because as a former student athlete, I benefited from someone else’s giving. I think I owe it to my university.