Talking schedule with Tarheel fans

If your looking to kill some time on a Friday: ACC/UNC avoiding Charlotte.…11&sid=&style=2

Wow T, that’s a pretty tough crowd there. At least some seem to acknowledge Charlotte as a nice place to be. I guess they don’t realize how relatively young our program is (that’s my attempt to sound “enlightened” in the realm of sports).

The chick is hot though.

Welcome to the board, TD! You’ll find lots of familiar “faces” here. Your knowledge of movies will come in handy. Quoting lines and discussion is commonplace. See best movies ever thread in A&E forum.

Oh yeah, they know me as Lefty here. :wink: :smiley:

My apologies, “Lefty.” It’s nice to know that one of this board’s most prolific and seemingly omnipresent individuals is my longtime college roommate, and one of my oldest and closest friends.

See you around.

Bottom line is that we are what we are. A good program in a good conference. I wish we could play the ACC too, but a lot of them are right, until we get past the first round consistently we haven’t done much.

I want our program to get to the next level, but let’s face it. We were schooled by a talent-less Texas Tech team last year and we have a weak schedule this year. Couple that with a move to the A-10 and I think there’s reason for concern.

I need a good image of a dead horse being flogged in times like this.

I’m just concerned about the direction of this program…and it will continue to be an issue, so let’s usher in the dead horse…

[i]Originally posted by NinerLoudNProud[/i]@Sep 17 2004, 12:36 PM [b] I need a good image of a dead horse being flogged in times like this. [/b]
[b]I'm just concerned about the direction of this program...and it will continue to be an issue, so let's usher in the dead horse...[/b]

Care to elaborate?

We have a great team this year. Recruiting for next year looks good. We even lead for 06 and 07 guys who are very highly touted.

Schedule issue? Alabama made a deep tourney run last year. Last I knew Indiana still has three national titles. Rutgers is a lot stronger than people give them credit. I bet our OOC RPI and SOS will be okay.

Plus there’s still talk of us playing Duke and Mississippi State next year or two. I’m not worried.

[i]Originally posted by ATL_Niner[/i]@Sep 17 2004, 11:28 AM [b] Bottom line is that we are what we are. A good program in a good conference. I wish we could play the ACC too, but a lot of them are right, until we get past the first round consistently we haven't done much.

I want our program to get to the next level, but let’s face it. We were schooled by a talent-less Texas Tech team last year and we have a weak schedule this year. Couple that with a move to the A-10 and I think there’s reason for concern. [/b]

Actually, I only care to play the better teams of ACC because (1) it improves our image locally and (2) it improves our RPI/SOS.

I don’t see how anyone should be majorly concerned about the direction of the program. Things are looking pretty good for the reasons NLP pointed out. We’re on the verge of breaking through.

Several reasons to be concerned: One and done guys like Rodney White, Iti pulling shenanigans like he did this summer, off court issues with guys like Withers and Brown last year, kids transferring or thinking of it each year (Grier, Butter) first round flame outs, 35 foot crazy bombs by our "sharp"shooters, moving to a new conference where our visibility may not be as great…

Should I continue?

True, things look pretty promising this year, but let’s be realistic, when you’re trying to get to the next level, everything needs to be questioned.

One more thing Lefty, we’ve been on the verge of breaking through for some time now, but when will it actually happen?

Am I just being too impatient? Maybe I just want more from this program. Sorry to offend anyone, but I really think this season will tell us a lot about where we are as a program.

this season we either break through or fall back, i say break through

[i]Originally posted by ATL_Niner[/i]@Sep 17 2004, 03:29 PM [b] One more thing Lefty, we've been on the verge of breaking through for some time now, but when will it actually happen?

Am I just being too impatient? Maybe I just want more from this program. Sorry to offend anyone, but I really think this season will tell us a lot about where we are as a program. [/b]

I agree. This season is the big one. We have the talent to get to the next level (top 25, 22-5 regular season, and advance). We’ve gone from Sunbelt to C-USA/A-10. Malru Dottin, Rodney Odom, James Terrell, Delano Johnson and Domingus Bundy was our starting five when I was in school. :o :unsure: