Both guys appear to be pretty big studs here in Atlanta. I look forward to getting to see both guys this year. This area could end up being a big hotbed for us talent-wise. I mean, who wants to go to UGA? And Tech is on a down swing…

Good for us!

Yeah, after the student three contest - We want Wilderness

We can probably go with We want Tatum or just Tatum, Tatum right after Wilderness dies out

Ok - I might not be an expert crowd chanter - But I think you gotta try to keep chants at about 3 syllables. If the guy’s last name is, say ‘White’, then “WE WANT WHITE!” would work well.

If the idea is to get more people involved, I’d go with “WIL - DER - NESS!!!” and say it as loud as possible. “We want Wilderness!” is better shouted out as a single voice in the crowd.

But what do I know? I’m no band director.

“We want Wilderness” has a good cadence to it – same as “Lets go Niners”. "We want Wildernes clap clap clap clap clap

A couple of you front row people should make some signs. When you hold them up, people start chanting. Let’s go students. This isn’t motor sports engineering.

I don’t have a PhD in music but I am a former male cheerleader in HS and a musician in pep band. If you look at the most popular chants they are all 4/4 time(multiples of four beats)

(X is a clap , R is rest, each the | divide the beats or for musis peeps a 1/4 note)

Let’s | Go | Niner- | ers |X |X | XX |X

Ref | You | Suck | R

Ed |eee | Ed |eee

Here we | Go | Nine |ers | Here we |Go | X | X

via niner report michael beasley could also be in town tonight as well. Considering tatum is going to be here. Michael did have a lot in the say of tatum coming to charlotte. So we might need to do another beasley chant if possible. (this is via niner report, so i’m not making it up)

If Beasley is in town, keep your eye out for Smith as well.

yeah that would be amazing should we do chants for both of them anyways?

[i]Originally posted by the daxified one[/i]@Oct 20 2005, 05:38 PM [b] yeah that would be amazing should we do chants for both of them anyways? [/b]
Supposing just Beasley came, which is a bit of a longshot, I'd still say chant both names. Give him something to take back to tell Nolan.

I am very suprised that Dewhurst is not going to be there. Especially being local

How about forming a 'Wilderness Society," where Mean Green meets Green Peace, maybe. We could hug trees outside of Halton, shrubs, sell not dogs, euphemisms.

[i]Originally posted by ninerID[/i]@Oct 20 2005, 07:10 PM [b] I am very suprised that Dewhurst is not going to be there. Especially being local [/b]
He was there, I commended him on his choice of schools after it was over.

Tatum, Wilderness and Dewhurst all sat on the first row behind the team and then moved to the bench during the scrimmage. Wilderness looked to be the taller and bigger of the three. Wilderness is an OUTSTANDING rebounder and athlete from what I’ve heard. He could actually play either forward position.

I saw/heard some of the chants by students and the recruits acknowledged it. NICE JOB!!!