Test of new NNN skin
nested quotes look weird
haha, way to start out on a positive note.
im liking this. looks like the old site.
I keep having a image not loading at the top of the NinerNation.net banner, pic is below. Not sure if others are having a similar prob.
EDIT: on Firefox 3.6.3
[quote=“moss2k, post:5, topic:23039”]I keep having a image not loading at the top of the NinerNation.net banner, pic is below. Not sure if others are having a similar prob.
[/quote]I am having this problem in Chrome.This is HOT! I like it.
However, I am in FireFox and I cannot see the banner, and the shoutbox is not working. Even though everything looks like its loaded, the page is still saying ‘connecting to 192.blah.blah.blah’. Also at the bottom of the page it reads ‘Mobile 2009’. Does that mean I am viewing the mobile version?
Thanks Mac, this is looking GOOD!
Update, it appears the ‘Connect to 192…’ is connected to the shoutbox, if that helps you out Mac!
Shoutbox is no longer working for me. Just seeing a while rectangle
I’ll get it worked out, be patient for just a bit…
[quote=“ninermac, post:10, topic:23039”]I’ll get it worked out, be patient for just a bit…[/quote]not complaining, just wanted to give you a heads up.