Thanks to the Seniors...

So many negative threads, just thought I’d start a positive one. Regardless of the 4 losses to end the season, I’ll remember this class of seniors for some time to come…

Thanks to Sager for being a team player even though it probably didn’t work out like you expected.

Thanks to Plavich for you freakishly long 3’s. When you were on a roll, no one could stop you. I’m sure some of your shots will be talked about for years to come…

Eddie, what’s there to say, thanks for everything. I wish we could have a whole team of Eddies each year. You made the game fun to watch…

Thanks guys, and good louck at your next stop in life.

Note to the Bobcats: Draft Eddie and you’ll make a few fans out of us Niners!

You guys will get to watch Eddie Basden play in the NBA. No doubt about that. And, he is a class individual. I noticed that during the game today…

Plavich is a bombadier – and his range is better than Reddick’s, I think anyway.

Plav - Your range is the greatest I have seen in a college player. Ever. Let me offer my early congrats for your date in August.

Eddie - You did it all. Have fun in the NBA.

Chris - Just because you didn’t see the minutes, don’t think the fans didn’t appreciate you. We all know you can play, and won’t forget how you lit up Temple!

I hope you all look fondly back on your years here.

[i]Originally posted by NinerMac[/i]@Mar 18 2005, 07:10 PM [b] So many negative threads, just though I'd start a positive one. Regardless of the 4 losses to end the season, I'll remember this class of seniors for some time to come...

Thanks to Sager for being a team player even though it probably didn’t work out like you expected.

Thanks to Plavich for you freakishly long 3’s. When you were on a roll, no one could stop you. I’m sure some of your shots will be talked about for years to come…

Eddie, what’s there to say, thanks for everything. I wish we could have a whole team of Eddies each year. You made the game fun to watch…

Thanks guys, and good louck at your next stop in life.

Note to the Bobcats: Draft Eddie and you’ll make a few fans out of us Niners! [/b]

I’ll drink to that!!! I’ll drink to that several times tonight!!!

Thanks to all!!! Best of luck in finishing out your degree and beginning your careers and adult life.

EB will be a #1 in the heart of fans for many years to come. EB has embodied the meaning of being a Niner more so than any in recent history. EB is the man.

Plav is stupid good when it comes to 3s. Not sure if we’ll see another player in the same family as Jobey/Plav for a while.

Sager embodies team player.

Each will be sorely missed.

What they said. Thanks guys.

Thanks and good luck guys. It was fun watching you grow.

Thanks to the senior fans who supported the team, camped out, and never got to see their team win a NCAA tourney game in their four years. You guys deserve a cheer too.

Thanks for making this year the best…It truly was in many ways. All of you guys left this program better because of your dedication. True class. I wish the best to all. Thanks for your talent, poise and heart…we couldn’t have asked for more.

Ditto. Thanks Niners.

Thank you Branden, Chris, Eddie for a great year with all of the excitement that I could handle. Good luck guys! I am a little sad that the season is over. But, I hope to see you guys back at Halton enjoying the games at a different angle. Again, thanks for a thrilling year.

clt daps the seniors.

Seniors had some amazing times here. Basden you suprised me from the start of this season and I will always remember your ability to take over a game defensively. Plavich made his mark from the game in Syracuse. That game will live in our memories for years to come. I hate things didnt work out better on the court for Sager but sounds like he’s got a great degree. Best of luck!

[i]Originally posted by gamer[/i]@Mar 18 2005, 07:22 PM [b] Thanks to the senior fans who supported the team, camped out, and never got to see their team win a NCAA tourney game in their four years. You guys deserve a cheer too. [/b]
I got to see Jobey Thomas, Cam STephens, Demon Brown, and Curtis Withers play. I got to see Eddie Basden for four years. I've gotten to see our team go from 19 wins to 13 wins to back to back 20+ win seasons.

Sure, we haven’t won a tournament game, we had a better shot last year but we’re not over the hump yet.

At least last year we got beat, this year we didn’t even try. This is the first time I’ve been so throughly embarassed by our team, but let’s keep it real. These guys struggled with ECU, SLU, UNCA, Rutgers, Yale, and lost three games to teams that we had no business playing close. We weren’t a great team this year, and we know it, but we lost to another inferior team. NCSU sucks, they sucked out loud against us, and they still beat us. We lost to an inferior team who had a really bad game. Our guys gave up.

Just hire a defensive coach already, Bobby. You may want to develop an offense as well. Most great college coaches develop a system and adapt their team to it.

We’ll have a great team next year, we had a good team this year and a good season.

Thanks seniors.

I will be in my seat next year looking for the next EB or BP. I have not forgotten Chris Sager. In many ways he was my favorite niner. He did not get a lot of play, but he was always there and part of the team. In many ways he is what a student athlete is. Chris will walk away with a degree, probably go to grad school and be very successful in life. Thank you, Chris, for allowing us to share the formative years of your life. For all you bitching and complaining, please take Chris as an example and get a life

Was a great year. Hope the seniors will join the 49er club and stay apart of the GREEN MAFIA. I think this program has a great future. Looking back over the past 30 years we have had some ups and downs but its great being a Niner. Thanks to this years team it was a really exciting season. To the players returning …hope you spend an hour a day shooting free throws. It will pay off next year. :lol: