The O Coverage

The O sucks.

We got an in-depth article on John Wall & other NBA picks, DESPITE the Bobcats not having a pick, but the in-state pro team that did have picks, the Hurricanes, had no in-depth articles.

the observer is like a bitter 90 year old man. its got very little time left to live and its been set in its ways forever, its never going to change, so lets just allow it to continue to spew meaningless drivel as it sprials into nothingness and death.

there should never be a word spoken about the observer on this website ever again. it sucks. we know it. nothing is going to change.

[quote=“stonecoldken, post:1, topic:23501”]The O sucks.

We got an in-depth article on John Wall & other NBA picks, DESPITE the Bobcats not having a pick, but the in-state pro team that did have picks, the Hurricanes, had no in-depth articles.[/quote]

Well, that is because the Bobcats are here in Charlotte while the Hurricanes are two hours awa…


Must we? The O is such a non-factor in Niner fans daily lives I’d just assume ignore till another negative article comes out.

clt will comment later. gotta go read about acc hoops on the observer webpage. just what the readers want in june.

I’ve just recently started reading “Growing up Together - Charlotte and UNC Charlotte” and it is eye-opening. For one thing, the Charlotte Observer and the Charlotte News (afternoon paper which later rolled into the Observer) were key advocates in our becoming a university. And not just in their role as a paper, we had publishers/editors serving as leaders in the fight on the Board of Trustees. Ironic that they help create us and now ignore us. One day the Charlotte Observer will only exist in the archives at UNC Charlotte.

John Wall (number 1 draft pick in the NBA from NC) versus Carolina Hurricanes (a team that can’t sell out home playoff games)

Good point. They WERE more supportive of us in our early years. Actually, the non-sports sections of the paper are more supportive of us now than the SPORTS Section, with the exception of the anti-football articles that appeared in the editorial section; and I understand they received some of their MIS-information from guess where… the SPORTS Section.

[quote=“Lew, post:3, topic:23501”][quote=“stonecoldken, post:1, topic:23501”]The O sucks.

We got an in-depth article on John Wall & other NBA picks, DESPITE the Bobcats not having a pick, but the in-state pro team that did have picks, the Hurricanes, had no in-depth articles.[/quote]

Well, that is because the Bobcats are here in Charlotte while the Hurricanes are two hours awa…


Classic. Unfortunately, this may go right over some poster’s heads.

It gets old reading this board and at least half the threads have somebody complaining about the Observer or chapel hill. Obviously it’s the truth, but it just gets old reading about it in near every thread. I imagine anybody from another school that reads this board thinks we must have the whiniest fan base in history.

:thumbs up:

And it gets old when the same few posters (you are a classic example) do NOTHING but defend the Observer. Why do you have such trouble understanding? Are you that damn stupid? I saw in another thread where even Ninerballin stated other teams had better support because of their better hometown coverage.

If you don’t want to read us complain about our unfair coverage, then call the O and ask for the same coverage other schools get from their paper. I did so about 8 or 9 years ago and Mike P told me he did not think we were worthy of any coverage. We were at the time about 27 or 28 in the AP Poll and Mike was isolating us in the back of the sports section. I’ll spell it out for you because I doubt you can comprehend anything other than a text message. By isolating us on the back page, no one in Charlotte other than Niner fans knew how good we were.

If you can get us better coverage, then you will no longer have to read complaints on this board. Fair enough, dumbass?

¡Oralé pendejo! I know you’ll be back, Mike. You coudn’t stand stayin’ away from us, could you? :stuck_out_tongue:

The problem with this consistent O bashing, is it only perpetuates the problem. When they do throw us a bone, we eventually spit it in their face. Look at Utter. He came on board, drastically increased the O coverage of us, and then as soon there was a coaching change, he was constantly bashed for not getting the story. The man would give us play by play in the cat room when we couldn’t get tv or radio coverage and he caught nothing but flack for it over the last 3 months. No wonder they don’t give us coverage, they catch hell from us either way, at least this way they make the tarhole fans happy.

Contemptor didn’t stand up for the O, just stated he’s tired of the same “beat the dead horse” threads. Why worry about a dying breed?

Your name alone invalidates anything you say. And I would hardly call Utter’s play-by-play increased coverage. Increased coverage means increased printed stories for all to read. Not chat sessions on Niner Nation. And many of us gave play-by-plays in the chat room. Even when Jim was unavailable.

So here is the bottom line. Why could they not have just given us standard coverage without a big deal being made about it? That’s the way it happens elsewhere. When we do get an article some of you O defenders act like we just won the National Championship with your bragging about one article. Our coverage still sucks. And I could personally care less if Jim or Mike ever post on here again. I just want the local sports fans to know when we do something good and when our next games will be played.

¡Oralé pendejo! I know you’ll be back, Mike. You coudn’t stand stayin’ away from us, could you? :p[/quote]

LOL Niner89. I’ve always wondered if contemptor might be Mike.

Thank you…

Over- Insult me over and over, but read my post- it just makes you look like a moron. I agree with everything you said about the Observer. Our coverage blows. If we had more support through the local media, it would help our program obviously. I’ve read that on these forums hundreds of times. Complaining in every thread on NNN about the observer is pointless, except to waste bandwidth. Really, what is complaining over and over again on here going to do? You all just sound like a bunch of whiny little girls.

If you don’t like the observer’s coverage, make a thread to organize calls/emails to the observer or other media, whatever.

¡Oralé pendejo! I know you’ll be back, Mike. You coudn’t stand stayin’ away from us, could you? :p[/quote]

LOL Niner89. I’ve always wondered if contemptor might be Mike.[/quote]
Hah, I think this MAY be the 3rd thread I’ve replied to for to stop whining. Feel free to do a search and prove me wrong

Edit- I searched real quickly and only found one other thread with me saying I hate the observer as well, the the whining here is too much. And it was Chipper being bitter responding to me, who woulda guessed.

Would you learn some f***ing grammar dumbass? How the hell do some of you expect to succeed with your piss poor communication skills? I’m serious. Learn the proper grammatical skills and you will be one up on your competition because no one currently in college seems to understand.

I’m doing you a favor by making this suggestion. I hope you are smart enough to take my advice and not foolish enough to reject it.