The TV shows that don't get their own thread thread

What’s everyone been watching? Some of these are mid-season or have ended, but are worth checking out.


The Leftovers (HBO - S1 in progress) - from the people that did Lost. I hated Lost. This seems like another show that won’t ever truly reveal or answer the secret premise that it’s based on. Which, to me, makes absolutely no sense. And the show is ridiculously depressing the first few weeks. But, I can’t stop watching it. Period.

The Strain (FX - S1 in progress) - Decent take on a zombie/vampire/outbreak type show from Guillermo del Toro.

Penny Dreadful (Showtime - S1 ended) - Timothy Dalton, Eva Green, Josh Hartnett. All amazing in the show. Sort of like a Van Helsing crossed with Sleepy Hollow/Frankenstein…except it’s good.

Ray Donovan (Showtime - S2 in progress) - The Departed plus boxing and Hollywood with an amazing cast.

The Bridge (FX - S2 in progress) - First season had no idea where it wanted to go. Watch the recap, and enjoy the 2nd season. Also a great cast, including Buffalo Bill.

Banshee - (Cinemax - S3 on the way) - Action. Win.

Haven’t decided yet/Haven’t watched:

Manhattan (WGN - S1 in progress) - in the desert of New Mexico, we make bomb. Showed some promise in episode one. It’s on WGN…so I mean, apparently they exist. It’s got Marv from Home Alone. He also apparently exists.

Extant (CBS - S1 in progress) - Halle Berry is an astronaut who returns home to her family after a year in space. Watched a few minutes of the first episode and that was all I needed…not my thing.

Orphan Black

Hell on Wheels

Big Word on Orphan Black.
The [font=Verdana][/size][size=78%]Americans is decent. Shameless on Showtime is good. Rectify is fantastic if not very depressing.[/size][/font]
I’ve enjoyed Defiance on Scy FY. ITs cheesy but has potential.


Can you watch Orphan Black on demand?

I missed the first few and havent ever tried again.

I’m not in love with the Bridge this season. I dunno. Last season was all over the place, but this season, I’m not following the overall story arch. Plus Franke Potente is freaking weird. Hard to believe that is the Bourne/Lola girl.

Penny Dreadful looked interesting, but no showtime.

[quote=“NinerAdvocate, post:6, topic:28936”]Can you watch Orphan Black on demand?

I missed the first few and havent ever tried again.

I’m not in love with the Bridge this season. I dunno. Last season was all over the place, but this season, I’m not following the overall story arch. Plus Franke Potente is freaking weird. Hard to believe that is the Bourne/Lola girl.

Penny Dreadful looked interesting, but no showtime.[/quote]

It is on Netflix I believe or maybe Amazon. We watched it there and then purchased current season on Amazon.

Derp, I think I saw it on Amazon. I may be pulling a marathon soon.

orphan Black needs to be watched in order. Coming in halfway is not a great idea.

I was watching Falling Skies but dumped it this season.

Agree on Hell on Wheels.

I tend to binge watch shows that have already run their course, for the most part. Recently I did Chuck, then Psych, then Royal Pains. All of them are just kind of churn and burn shows.

Last season of Sons of Anarchy (season 7) is about to begin. It is my favorite show on tv currently, and it gets progressively better with each season. All of the seasons are on Netflix and Amazon Prime I believe.

I also recently binge watched Vikings. If you like Sons of Anarchy, Vikings has a very similar vibe to it. It is outstanding, and the production quality is top notch. If you know the history/legend of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons, you may be disappointed because they have changed the story significantly, but it is still an awesome show.

$opranos. We are watching from the beginning right now. Just started season 4.

Started True Blood not to long ago, and I’m on season 4 right now.

Started watching Game of Thrones and I’m only like 4 episodes in.

Would like to watch True Detective.

I am with the Netflix/Amazon bing-watchers here, so what I am watching or recently watched:

Justified - It’s simply bad ass, just watch it.
The Killing - This is an AMC original, very suspenseful but keeps you locked in.
Under the Dome - This is one of those that sound like a stupid premise but you keep watching because they keep you hooked.
House - Surprisingly, while I thought I had seen a lot of the episodes (reruns etc), it seems like I had only really watching the first few season…
6 feet under - Did not like this… I don’t understand what all the raving was about
Alpha House - Its an Amazon comedy, pretty funny, probably hit or miss with a lot of people. Watched this a few months ago.

This is one of my all time favorites. Season 4/5 may seem a little slow, but stick with it. I don’t remember for sure, but I think “Pine Barrens” is coming up, and is one of the top 10 episodes!

If you guys are into abstract humor, watch IFC’s Comedy Bang Bang, it’s more or less a parody of a talk show. But it is certainly not for everyone.

[quote=“CharSFNiners, post:14, topic:28936”]Started True Blood not to long ago, and I’m on season 4 right now.

Started watching Game of Thrones and I’m only like 4 episodes in.

Would like to watch True Detective.[/quote]

True Blood goes wayyyyy downhill after that. I’ve stuck with it for some reason…glad it’s coming to a close.

True Detective is incredible.

Sopranos … soo good. Right behind The Wire for best show IMO.

Gill. The Killing is horrible. HORRIBLE




it takes me a while to give up on shows. this one i gave up after two seasons and it’s the most regretful investment of two seasons of television i’ve ever. Ever.

Season one of the killing was good and then it was awful.

True Blood peaked at Season 3, but season 5 had some moments.

I enjoyed True Detective, but it wasn’t great to me. This article touches on some of my issues with it:

Game of Thrones already has a thread, but I’ll say it is also good but not great. It loses steam after a particular event (much like the novels) and is now treading water.

I’m only really hype for Arrow, Shameless and Banshee. Those are the three best shows on TV to me.

I feel the exact opposite about SoA. I really liked the first season or 2 but its become more and more ridiculous each year. The season with the CIA agents is where it felt like it jumped the shark for me.