This guy is a future rapist

Here’s what I don’t understand. I’m pretty sure most everyone locked their door when I was in school. What changed? The campus is more dangerous now than it was then.

I agree.... but some of these floors are girls only, doors are left open, everyone's hanging out with each other, neighbors are coming in and out, etc. You could walk through one of these floors in the high rises at midnight and half the doors will be wide open and everyone's hanging out. Its part of the reason kids like dorms. But things are changing.

We did the same thing coming through school…leaving the door wide open and whoever wanted could come in…but if one of the rooms occupants weren’t there then that door was closed…if you were asleep then that door was definitely locked. I only had one incident in college where somebody got in and my xbox was stolen in Pine Hall. I still think our fourth roommate knows something about that…but I guess we will never know the truth. It plain stupid to leave a door unlocked when you are sleeping.