This guy is a future rapist

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[RIGHT][B][I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][B][I]An Area Advisory for a Safer Community and a Safer You …[/I][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[RIGHT][B][I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][B][I]“Because We Care”[/I][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/COLOR][/RIGHT][/RIGHT]
[CENTER][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=black][COLOR=black] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][B][I][U][FONT=Arial][SIZE=4][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial][I]UNC Charlotte Police Advisory:[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/I][/B][B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=4][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
[B][I][B][I][FONT=Arial][SIZE=4][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial][U]Unidentified Male Intruder[/U][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B][/I][FONT=Arial][SIZE=4][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

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[B][B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Arial]The following incidents were reported several hours afterward or not at all. Because some information was received secondhand, the UNC Charlotte Police Department is still looking for and is very interested in speaking with any victims or witnesses who have not yet spoken with the police.[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/B]
[B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][B]Between 3 am and 5 am on 12/4/08 (Wednesday night/Thursday morning), in Sanford Hall,[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial] female residents in four rooms on different floors awoke to find an unidentified male. In some cases, the male was only seen and left. In others, he touched residents but did not physically injure them. Most, if not all, of the rooms were unlocked. The victims have either reported several hours afterward or not all. We are trying to locate some of the latter individuals, whose names were provided by others who heard about the incidents. [B][I][B][I]The suspect was described as:[/I][/B][/I][/B] male; white; late teens to 20s; 5’7” – 5’10” tall; medium build; dirty or dark blonde hair; dark outdoor jacket; dark pants.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]

Two things:

  1. Why the hell would you leave your bedroom door unlocked?
  2. He touched them? That is creepy as ****.

I’m going to guess (and hope) that this was just some stupid prank.

you are a girl in dorm---- and you don’t lock you bedroom door?? Hell I locked my Moore Hall door every night, I didn’t want to wake up with no eyebrows or something.

[QUOTE=metro;367670]you are a girl in dorm---- and you don’t lock you bedroom door?? Hell I locked my Moore Hall door every night, I didn’t want to wake up with no eyebrows or something.[/QUOTE]

I never locked my door, but mostly because I would have been too drunk to unlock it when I got back.

if a student, he should be expelled. :frowning:

Sorry…I had to.

Hmmmm creepy guy staring at unsuspecting women?

Sounds like half the guys on here…

[QUOTE=Gill2003;367686]Hmmmm creepy guy [B]staring[/B] at unsuspecting women?

Sounds like half the guys on here…[/QUOTE]

No. This dude took it one step further and touched unsuspecting women.

[QUOTE=Gill2003;367686]Hmmmm creepy guy staring at unsuspecting women?

Sounds like half the guys on here…[/QUOTE]

Pole Vault thread anyone?

I would say most of the girls in the PV thread are suspecting.

I never understood when I was in school at Charlotte that so many people didn’t lock their apartment doors, bedroom doors, car doors, etc. I was basically questioned by friends as being untrustworthy for locking everything all of the time.

[QUOTE=Charlotte2002;367753]I never understood when I was in school at Charlotte that so many people didn’t lock their apartment doors, bedroom doors, car doors, etc. I was basically questioned by friends as being untrustworthy for locking everything all of the time.[/QUOTE]

I never had anything worth stealing in my dorm room, but my apartment always stayed locked.

Luckily most of the guys on my hall looked out for each other.

When I lived in cypress most people left their common room doors propped open with the lock, but damn near everyone had their bedroom doors locked.

I am all for leaving your door unlocked when you are there, but when you are asleep, it may be a good idea to lock it.

Leaving your door unlocked in a dorm at night is not a good idea. Sure there is a security guard at the door, but they are not that hard to get by and intruders can always get in before the outside doors are locked and hang out in the common areas. Call me untrusting, but people do some strange and mean things when given the opportunity. Not to mention, they will take your stuff.

you are a girl in dorm---- and you don't lock you bedroom door?? Hell I locked my Moore Hall door every night, I didn't want to wake up with no eyebrows or something.

I agree… but some of these floors are girls only, doors are left open, everyone’s hanging out with each other, neighbors are coming in and out, etc. You could walk through one of these floors in the high rises at midnight and half the doors will be wide open and everyone’s hanging out. Its part of the reason kids like dorms. But things are changing.

Seriously, this is a joke to some of you? I agree you should lock your doors at all time, I agree pranks go far sometimes, but seriously? Get some damn education on what is a prank and what is bullcrap.

[QUOTE=gotLutz;368151]I agree… but some of these floors are girls only, doors are left open, everyone’s hanging out with each other, neighbors are coming in and out, etc. You could walk through one of these floors in the high rises at midnight and half the doors will be wide open and everyone’s hanging out. Its part of the reason kids like dorms. But things are changing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there are some all-girl floors, but they are not closed off or guarded from outsiders entering once they are in that dorm. I had to make rounds in Sanford subbing for their RA the first or second year they made the top floors for sororities, and when I entered them at 11:15 or so it was as you say. Doors were open, several of the rooms unoccupied and open, and some rooms had the doors cracked with the lights off. I guess it’s neat to think one can live in that kind of dorm, but it was weird to see and strange that so many young ladies were so trusting.

The reason that most people do not lock their doors in the dorms is b/c they are from small towns. It seems that everyone in NC is from some -ville, -ton, or -boro and can not adjust to living in a metro area where there is crime and present dangers.

There used to also be a lot of students that would walk by themselves late at night across campus. Even through sketch areas like the Brocker woods.

I remember us playing pranks in the dorms by waking people up. We would walk right in their rooms at like 2AM as they were sound asleep with the doors unlocked.