To help alleviate parking problems

I park in the 49er Club parking deck so parking has not been an issue with me, but I keep hearing about how bad parking is for some weekday games.

On week-day game nights, why can’t we make some of the streets one-way and use one of the lanes for parking? I doubt it would affect the students attending class and it would make more parking available closer to Halton. Just a thought.

I don’t know how much parking that would add compared to confusion and clogging the roads. It might work though. I am sure there is ample space near Martin Village but no one wants to park there cause its a ten minute walk.

I mentioned this before, but we had to walk 25 minutes the other night. What worries me about this is how hard those hills must be on senior citizens. My father-in-law walked with me to one game (just a 15 minute hike this time) and it was brutal for him. SHUTTLES FOR SENIORS/HANDICAPS?

I just part over in East Deck near Fretwell and walk across campus to Halton. After the game it’s easy to slip out that little back exit in East Deck onto 49.

This won’t help until the 2006-07 season, but there is a new 1,100-space parking deck in the works on the site of the old track (to go with the new student union):

Link: Parking Deck G

get those freaking cones out of the middle of the road! i feel like i’m driving an obstacle course.

What is so amazing is that they were letting people out one way Wednesday night, and it was a frickin nightmare!! Whats so damn frustrating is the fact that the other roads leading out were clear…why cant they let you go out both ways???
Its not rocket science…if one way is backed-up, let cars out the other way…Damn!

to be on safe side, they should add few more levels to that parking deck

[i]Originally posted by run49er[/i]@Feb 25 2005, 09:51 AM [b] This won't help until the 2006-07 season, but there is a new 1,100-space parking deck in the works on the site of the old track (to go with the new student union):

Link: Parking Deck G [/b]

clt likes the chose of vehicle in front of the building. it should be black and have a 49R sticker though.

I always park in the lot by Martin Village too…sure, it’s a couple extra minutes to walk, but I have never had a problem getting out in little time, except for the Cincy game, but that’s only because I stuck around inside the arena for 20 minutes after the game. We can all use the exercise too. That lot is always pretty empty, I park right at the front of it across the street from the parking deck.

Only thing that does suck about parking far away is you miss the radio post game. Its not that far though. I live in Martin village and can walk to Halton in ten minutes at normal speed.

What about parking by Holshouser and walking through the mystic woods and around Brocker Pond. Can you still do that?