UTimes Article

Saw this in the University Times yesterday and thought you guys might want to read it.

Niner men’s basketball lacking credit it deserves

This is going to seem like a non sequitur, but the university should consider requiring freshman to live on campus and without the right to register a vehicle in the next few years as more housing comes online and the new student union opens.

Those two requirements seem pretty standard fare around the country, and will keep students on campus and work agaisnt the commuter campus perception we have.

Yeah, I saw that article. It was pertty decent. And I like the idea of requiring freshman to live on campus. Most schools do have that policy, so it’s not that bad of an idea.

I lived in Moore and most of the kids left town on the weekends…I guess taking away cars would “help”, but it would suck since it’s still a drive to get to most places to eat/party/drink/etc.

Really good rebuttal/article, I’m hoping someone here wrote that. If you’re a student, you can get your articles in the paper very easily…

[b]but the university should consider requiring freshman to live on campus and without the right to register a vehicle in the next few years as more housing comes online and the new student union opens. [/b]

Not a bad idea, but I don’t think it will fly. There are many freshman that attend who commute because they can’t afford to live on campus. Many live at home and commute all 4+ years. If there is a way to exclude them from your idea, I’m all for it. Otherwise, it would cost the university some potential students or possibly keep someone from attending a 4-year institution.