Washington Post Michael Beasley story

Homeschooled Beasley causing a stir

Wow, he’s suprisingly well grounded considering…certain aspects of his upbringing.

Mike, thanks for the link.

BTW, on page 3…

[b]He made an oral commitment to Charlotte last summer, but Fatima Smith, who learned of her son’s commitment while scanning the Internet, expressed some doubt.

“It’s not a commitment,” Smith said. “He’s 16 now. He doesn’t know where he’s going. . . . If he wants to say he’s going to commit to them now, that’s a verbal commitment; it’s not something that is binding him. We’ll look at our options and when the time comes we’ll make a decision.”[/b]

In other words in my best Jerry McGuire voice, “SHOW ME THE MONEY…”. I will be very surprised if this kid ever shows up here.

[i]Originally posted by run49er[/i]@Feb 4 2005, 02:40 PM [b] Mike, thanks for the link.

BTW, on page 3…

[b]He made an oral commitment to Charlotte last summer, but Fatima Smith, who learned of her son’s commitment while scanning the Internet, expressed some doubt.

“It’s not a commitment,” Smith said. “He’s 16 now. He doesn’t know where he’s going. . . . If he wants to say he’s going to commit to them now, that’s a verbal commitment; it’s not something that is binding him. We’ll look at our options and when the time comes we’ll make a decision.”[/b] [/b]

I’ll really start worring if Kellen Winslow decides to become a family advisor.

[b]“Basically, it’s not a commitment anymore. It’s a reservation,” Winston-Salem Mount Tabor coach Bob Sapp recalls being told by a college recruiter.[/b]
Mike, did you happen to see this story about football recruiting, [url=http://www.news-record.com/sports/local/recruits_020305.htm][b]Recruits’ promises not set in stone[/b][/url] in the News & Record yesterday?


He says…she says…

He says he needs two (count 'em) years of college.

She (mom) says he’d be a fool not to go for the NBA millions.

Not good.

I didn’t see that, HP, but it’s interesting. They might have to go to an early signing day in football like they have in basketball. I cannot imagine being a college coach and having my job security and success hinge on the whims of a 17-year-old.

I say we forget this kid unless he’s still around when he can really commit. But, he ain’t gonna do nuthin’ without mama’s ble$$ing, folks.

I was hoping our bubble wouldn’t be popped on this one til at least 06…oh well.

Yeah, call me a pessimist but not feeling too good about mom’s feelings on all of this. Sounds like she wants pay day over college education but you never know. We’ll see what happens and hopefully we get 1-2 years out of the kid. 16 years old is just too young to truly know what you want. I’m double that age and still clueless at times. :stuck_out_tongue:

he should come to the game tomorrow!

Relax and move along folks. There’s nothing to see here. We will NEVER see this kid in NINER gear.

I don’t think we should have go very far with our opinions on this one…the guy is 16. Just having us in his mind should be enough for us at this point. Its better that not being there.

He ain’t coming.

[i]Originally posted by 49er1[/i]@Feb 4 2005, 02:56 PM [b] I say we forget this kid unless he's still around when he can really commit. But, he ain't gonna do nuthin' without mama's ble$$ing, folks. [/b]
Does anyone find the lack of communication between him and his mother a little funny? She found out he committed on the internet?

Looking at her quote she’s looking for the $$$$ and da bling bling. Much like Lebron’s momma.

If he will just continue to say he is coming because of the coaching staff, the style of play, the arena, the city, or the availability of sweet tea we win. His name will end up in the news a lot over the next 18 months, let it be associated with Charlotte.

[i]Originally posted by Nugget[/i]@Feb 4 2005, 04:33 PM [b] If he will just continue to say he is coming because of the coaching staff, the style of play, the arena, the city, or the availability of sweet tea we win. His name will end up in the news a lot over the next 18 months, let it be associated with Charlotte. [/b]
Exactly, something's better than nothing. Maybe we could feed him some good material to use. :lol:

Have to agree at least having this kid tied with Charlotte would get us some pub. Unfortunately having him actually play here is a long shot, by the way has his mama leased a hummer based on his future earnings yet?

[b]...without mama's ble$$ing...[/b]

Very nicely put.