We Killed York!

We beat York 110 to 62! Web site for score is: http://www.sport.yorku.ca/interuniversity_…all_m/index.asp

HELL YEAH! now we just need to find a box score…

This is as close to a box score!

For the 49ers, Curtis Withers and Brendan Plavich scored 24 points each, while centre Martin Iti had a double-double with 16 points and 16 rebounds.

[i]Originally posted by MeanGreen[/i]@Oct 9 2004, 09:33 PM [b] This is as close to a box score!

For the 49ers, Curtis Withers and Brendan Plavich scored 24 points each, while centre Martin Iti had a double-double with 16 points and 16 rebounds. [/b]

haha so 3 of our players outscored their whole team.

niice :smiley:


damn Plav was on fire

Are those the new uniforms in the pix in the first link?

Gotta like things so far! Only 9 turnovers… that’s insane. Lutz rates Niners good in exhibition in the Observer.

[SIZE=1]Hey Mike P, get this Hayakawa guy to cover the 49ers on a regular basis.[/SIZE] :smiley:

o Iti 8-10 ft’s that is good.

o Badsden at PG, wow, what a line-up, I wonder if he is serious about that one. Eddie, Plav, Drayton, Withers and Iti.

o Drayton can score.

We need a first hand report from these games, next time we need to send a Niner Nation corresponded with a laptop, I will provide the plane ticket.

this is all good news but come on, it was York. maybe next year we will travel around Union County high schools.


Pony up, and I’ll be at the airport in 15 minutes.

It’s nice to see four players in double figures and two with double doubles. Drayton contributed nicely off the bench with 18pts. He will be something special. Goldwire, Lewis, and Basden really took care of the ball at the point. It was raining down treys for BP. It would be nice if he was that consistent the whole year. Hopefully, we can get Sager sighted in from three point land so he can give BP a rest when needed. I think we rebounded the ball very well. It looks to me as if Curt, Martin, Chris, and Eddie were beasts on the boards. Maybe we’ll see some of the hype that made Martin a top center prospect that wasn’t evident last year. Overall, I think everybody played pretty well. I enjoyed the win, but I’m also ready to see how we fair against some real competiton. Can’t wait for Midnight Madness baby!!! GO NINERS!!!

[i]Originally posted by Buff49er[/i]@Oct 10 2004, 10:39 AM [b] I enjoyed the win, but I'm also ready to see how we fair against some real competiton. [/b]
yeah that sums up my thoughts. it is great to see that everyone is scoring and rebounding, but this is against a weak Canadian team. Pfeiffer could beat these guys by 20 probably. Our first real test will be Rutgers