We're Coming for You Charlotte!

Charlotte, now that the Crimson Tide has made short work of East Tennessee State…

You’re on the clock! It’s going to be high tide in Charlotte on Saturday night.

Seriously, though, here’s to a great game for both sides. I’m looking forward to seeing the city and the campus when we get up there on Saturday.

Roll Tide!

Should be a good one DD. I just hope we bring our A game for this one. We usually play up/down to our competition so I expect and intense game that comes down to the wire. I feel good about our chances and Withers is due for a monster game. Hopefully it will come Saturday.

Enjoy Halton and you trip to Charlotte!

Go Niners!!

Hey Diamond … let’s make a little bet …

I’ll put up five of our cheerleaders/dance team/band members for five of yours! Heck, I’ll even make it easy for you … just the dance team!

I know what I want for Christmas …

Heres the tide times for NC Sat.

12/04/2004 Sat 05:48AM LST 0.7 L 12:07PM LST 3.8 H 06:49PM LST 0.5 L

Tide is lowest at game time.

LOL… In all my years, I’ve never seen a fan of an opposing team post an actual tide repot.

Anyways, it might be low tide at that point, but that is when the elephants will be storming through the streets of Charlotte. :wink:

bring on the elephants… as long as those chicks are commin too!!! good call HIH.

For the first time in my life I will actually be rooting for UNCC. Go Niners, Poach the Elephants!!

[i]Originally posted by UABHecklerIsBack[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 12:20 AM [b] For the first time in my life I will actually be rooting for UNCC. Go Niners, Poach the Elephants!! [/b]
I'd expect as much from a UAB fan ;)

Although, you should have been at the Alabama/Kentucky football game back in October. A friend of mine had an Alabama basketball shirt on, and a Kentucky fan made some comment like “Oh, does Alabama have a basketball team?”

Without hesistating, my first response was, “Yeah, and so does UAB.”

The look on his face was priceless.

[i]Originally posted by DiamondDuste[/i]@Dec 1 2004, 11:44 PM [b] Anyways, it might be low tide at that point, but that is when the elephants will be storming through the streets of Charlotte. ;) [/b]
What do elephants have to do with the Crimson Tide? I know they're your mascot but what's the history on that one?

I’m assuming about the same thing in common as a Ram and the Tarheels.

For an explanation on why Alabama is called “The Crimson Tide” and we have an elephant for a mascot, click on this link:


It explains all of the traditions in the athletic department.

Just curious… why is Charlotte the 49ers?

Good luck to Alabama. Hope your time in Charlotte is miserable from game time till the ride home :stuck_out_tongue:

Gold was discovered in this area and is one of the reasons charlotte is where it is.

Just curious… why is Charlotte the 49ers?

Well, let’s see if I can botch this one and have other fans yell. The area was the first gold prospect in the US. I believe that is the real reason.

One thought from many was that it was named after the year the actual University was founded (not counting the Charlotte Colege Owls) which was 1949. But I have been told that this is flat out not true.

One really weak rumor is that the campus is on Hwy 49 in NC.

Hey, but with all of the above, it just means that the name 49er is a sign from God.

Have a safe trip, but I wish your team bad luck. I don’t want anyone hurt, but may every player get dementia for two hours this weekend.

more dance team pics people

[i]Originally posted by cakewalk5[/i]@Dec 2 2004, 01:51 PM [b] [i]Just curious... why is Charlotte the 49ers?[/i]

Well, let’s see if I can botch this one and have other fans yell. The area was the first gold prospect in the US. I believe that is the real reason.

One thought from many was that it was named after the year the actual University was founded (not counting the Charlotte Colege Owls) which was 1949. But I have been told that this is flat out not true.

One really weak rumor is that the campus is on Hwy 49 in NC.

Hey, but with all of the above, it just means that the name 49er is a sign from God.

Have a safe trip, but I wish your team bad luck. I don’t want anyone hurt, but may every player get dementia for two hours this weekend. [/b]

You have your reasons flipped.

I have the canned media guide history saved on my other PC, but short and sweet, it has to do with the drive led by Bonnie Cone to save the school after WWII. We prevailed with that 19 “49er spirit”. The stuff about the highway and the north american gold discovery are just coincidences, though they are fun ones. There are several more like them.

We were the Owls though, back in the 40’s when we had a football team.