What do we look for Friday?

I have always been curious what to look for in the first game of the year. I know last year I left the first game very disapointed in our team after losing to GW. What do you look for in tomorow night?

I would like to see alittle better showing by Leemire Goldwire. I feel like he can really be a special player this year. However, I felt he looked like a deer in headlights against Peiffer. Thoughts?

At this point, in more ways than one, he looks like a Demon clone.
I have confidence he’s the PG of the future, but this season I expect mostly Demon-like streakiness shooting the deep ball.

As for this game, I want to see us establish interior dominance early, get them into major foul trouble, and cruise from there.

I’m looking for:

a [SIZE=4]W[/SIZE]

Sounds good…I could use a free taco.

[i]Originally posted by NinerLoudNProud[/i]@Nov 16 2004, 06:28 PM [b] At this point, in more ways than one, he looks like a Demon clone. I have confidence he's the PG of the future, but this season I expect mostly Demon-like streakiness shooting the deep ball.

As for this game, I want to see us establish interior dominance early, get them into major foul trouble, and cruise from there. [/b]

Well, I don’t think we’ll see the shot selection be as bad as Demon…

[i]Originally posted by NinerAdvocate[/i]@Nov 16 2004, 07:29 PM [b] I'm looking for:

a [SIZE=4]W[/SIZE] [/b]

We should win by at least 20.

[i]Originally posted by switchfoot[/i]@Nov 16 2004, 06:17 PM [b] I would like to see a little better showing by Leemire Goldwire. [/b]
He hasn't even played his first game. We need to give the new guys time. I expect a lot from Eddie, Curtis, and Plavich the entire year. Baldwin will have to be steady and not turn the ball over. He also has to get us in our offense and push the tempo at every opportunity.

Iti, Drayton, and Nance need to be solid role players. Iti adds presence and rebounding, Drayton is instant offense, Nance beats people up. We have the pieces. Let’s hope they fit and everyone does their part.


Niners (ours) by 40

[i]Originally posted by switchfoot[/i]@Nov 16 2004, 06:17 PM [b] I would like to see alittle better showing by Leemire Goldwire. I feel like he can really be a special player this year. [/b]
I don't know what you saw in him that would make you think he will be a "special playe this year". His court vision was poor, his handle was shaky at best and his 3 point shooting was bad.

He is a freshman and I think we should all reserve judgement on him until later this season. Hopefully, he is better than what we saw the other night because I saw a Demon clone…a point guard with no point skills.

He is just a freshman and he apparently can play but lets just wait and see.

Later in the year I think he (Leemire) can come off the bench and be a strong back up PG and help us in some big games. I think expecting Mitchell to run the point well every game for close to 40 minutes is unrealistic.

Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t expect him to be perfect or “great.” But based on what I have read about him on here, the comments from coaches, people who saw him play in high school, I think he has much potential and COULD be special this year with time and improvement from game to game.

Desire, Cohesion, and Flow…and a W of course.

The beginning of a LONG winning streak

In no particular order…

Come out scoring.
Baldwin silencing the critics’ questions about his abilty to run the point.
Quality minutes from Iti with an effective hook that we’ve been hearing about.
Discretionary shooting from Plavich.
A monster game from Withers.
Continued improvement from Basden.
Quality minutes from Goldwire to give Baldwin a breather.
Fouling the hell out of us should NOT be an effective defensive strategy.

.700 FT shooting.
Balanced scoring.
Improved defense.
No boneheaded plays.
No second and third shots by LBSU.
No LBSU offensive records set by the 8th guy off the bench.
A blowout W.

We are clearly the best team that nobody has heard about. Last year we had a very good season and rarely did we fire on all cylinders. It was always something. Curtis or Demon sitting out. Iti fouling out. Plavich going ice cold and not knowing when to quit. Abysmal free throw shooting. Brick hands by several players. Meltdowns at the end of big games. For once, I would like to see it all come together. Baldwin effectively running the floor, breaking presses and slashing to the basket. Plavich effectively coming off screens and sticking to his man. The big men pounding it inside, drawing fouls and making their free throws. Basden having an all-around great game.

great post, meinshaft

[i]Originally posted by Sideshow[/i]@Nov 18 2004, 05:28 PM [b] great post, meinshaft [/b]
Sideshow, should they go fro or dreads for the home opener?

DEFENSE, especially on the perimeter!!

Here’s what I’m looking for:

EJ Drayton to have a big game. This is the time when newcomers show what they can do. EJ is so versatile and tough to defend I expect a big game from him.

Sloppiness. It’s going to happen. It always does, I just want to make sure that we don’t get really sloppy and start making boneheaded plays.

Questionable Shot Selection. Again new year, opener, jitters, etc. I expect Leemire to take some bad shots. Some of our other guys will also, but I hope that guys like CW, EB, and BP control their shot selection and set the tone.

Interior Dominance. We’re bigger and stronger. We need to play tough. Iti needs to be a man not a baby. Time to putup or shutup.