Who has the best chance?

I can’t believe xavier didn’t foul with 4 seconds left, that was called the look at the calendar play, Xavier coach forgot to look at the calendar in the morning, if he did and saw it was march, he would of known that if they got a 3 off then it would go in. Should of fouled them with 4 seconds left.

But that weave Ohio state ran at the top of the key was awesome to get that guy a wide open look.

I just don’t see what you all have for Georgetown, I’ve seen them play and they are a good team, but beat up on a down BE. The teams that have beat them messed them up by either running a zone (when Syr. stomped them), or staying at home on their man to man D (Duke). Losing to Duke was at the beginning of the year, but Syr. exposed them at the end of the year. Even BC was able to get to them with a zone, just didn’t have the big bodies to pull it out.

Green is very good, but you guys need to relax on Hibbert. At 7’2" his stats are nothing to be impressed by. He’s not assertive enough, so if they’re going to be UNC he better eat about 6 bowls of Wheaties.

As I recall teams that play a nice halfcourt game, with a good post player gives Chapel Hill fits. Hibbert/Green will eat up the post.

Plus, did you see how many backdoor cuts Eastern Kentucky was able to get on in that game? That will be multiplied by 10 with Georgetown.

As I recall, long athletic teams bother Georgetown.

Plus, do you think UNC took E. Kent. seriously until they cut it to 8 before being blown out? Roy’s no retard, so if his players listen to him, divide those backdoors by 10.

Green is very good, but you guys need to relax on Hibbert. At 7’2" his stats are nothing to be impressed by. He’s not assertive enough, so if they’re going to be UNC he better eat about 6 bowls of Wheaties.[/QUOTE]

my point exactly, green is phenominal, no doubt, behind that you have no-name servicable guards, pat ewing jr. who seemed to inherit his fathers athletcism but 1/10th of his b-ball IQ. Of course there is mr. hibbert, great improvement but please, has height intrigued people so much that 12pt and 6reb avg are impressive? I know the offense is slow but at 7’2" you can only get 6 reb a game? this is what I’m talkin’ bout, i bet vanderbilt finds a way to knock them off so i can stop hearing how great this 7’2" guy is who happens to have a mean streak on level with elmo.

Hate to say it, but NC is going to be tough to beat with Tyler Hansborough. That kid is so skilled.

I like Texas A&M.

I still like Ohio State if Oden can stay out of foul trouble. My final four at this point is UCLA, UNC, Ohio State, and Floria with Ohio State winning it all.