Who has the best chance?

With 16 teams left and the experts being full of crap just looking for a layman’s opinion as to who is the best among the remaining? Please do not say georgetown however, in my worthless opinion they are the most over-hyped team in this tourney except for maybe texas who was exposed, thank god. I like texas A&M, (melvins alma) and kansas, both are unbelievably tough and athletic. Florida could repeat as well.

uuuhhhh, Charlotte is Melvin’s alma mater…A&M is just his former employer.


Sorry, I can’t resist. If you ask, you will get my honest opinion. How is Georgetown overhyped. I think the most overhyped team in college basketball is Ohio State by a long shot, with UNC-CH in second.

Georgetown has the best shot by far. Hibbert has to be one of the biggest improvements I’ve seen over a career. He still looks like he’s too tall, can’t move, etc., but you watch him and he has moves now on the offensive end and his buddy Jeff Green is one of the best all around players in college basketball.

JT3’s Princeton Offense doesn’t hurt either.

My Final 4 was Florida, Kansas, Georgetown & Texas A&M, with Florida over Georgetown for the title.

I’m not a Georgetown fan, but they are not overrated one bit. They throw so many big guys at you its crazy and Jeff Green may be the best all around player left in the tourney.

My Final Four is in tact and I’m sticking with my guns: Florida, UCLA, Texas A&M, UNC.

I picked UNC and Florida, and UNC after that. Any of those 4 can win it (Florida has proven such :shades: ).

Florida - they have the easiest road. Oregon can match their athleticism, but not their talent. Butler and UNLV would really have to have a great night and grind it out against them to have a chance. I don’t see Florida losing before Atlanta.

UCLA - Two tough matchups: Pitt and then Kansas. This is a team that lost to Cal two weeks ago, but they have the talent to match anyone and will be playing in San Jose. That was what led me to pick them over KU.

Texas A&M - Probably the toughest road to get there of the teams I picked, but they are playing in San Antonio, 3 hours from campus. AC Law is the real deal. Not sold on Memphis, and Ohio State should already be out of tournament. Did I mention San Antonio?

UNC - Taboo on this board, but when they hit their 3’s I don’t see them getting beat. They had an off night against Mich St. and still won handily in the end. Bigger, more athletic teams will give them problems, but if they are shooting well from outside they can still beat you however you guard them inside.

I’m not a Georgetown fan, but they are not overrated one bit. They throw so many big guys at you its crazy and Jeff Green may be the best all around player left in the tourney.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, I’m not a Georgetown fan either, but Green is nasty and Hibbert doesn’t look retarted out there anymore. He actually does stuff with his height now.

[QUOTE=X-49er;225355]My Final Four is in tact and I’m sticking with my guns: Florida, UCLA, Texas A&M, UNC.

UNC - Taboo on this board, but when they hit their 3’s I don’t see them getting beat. They had an off night against Mich St. and still won handily in the end. Bigger, more athletic teams will give them problems, but if they are shooting well from outside they can still beat you however you guard them inside.[/QUOTE]

When did Northern Colorado get in. :rolleyes:

Sorry, I can't resist. If you ask, you will get my honest opinion. How is Georgetown overhyped. I think the most overhyped team in college basketball is Ohio State by a long shot, with UNC-CH in second.

Georgetown has the best shot by far. Hibbert has to be one of the biggest improvements I’ve seen over a career. He still looks like he’s too tall, can’t move, etc., but you watch him and he has moves now on the offensive end and his buddy Jeff Green is one of the best all around players in college basketball.

JT3’s Princeton Offense doesn’t hurt either.

\agreed and patrick ewing jr isn’t that bad either

[QUOTE=Ninerballin;225357]When did Northern Colorado get in. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

They didn’t. They were 4-24 this year. :wow: :rolleyes:

I like Georgetown to win this year, they have excellent defense

Superb defense, solid PG play and excellent halfcourt game. Not sure how you can possibly say G’town is overrated. They may not cut down the nets but I think that if they can get past Vandy, which I think they will, they can give the Holes fits, assuming UNC advances as well. If they force UNC into a halfcourt game then I think that Georgetown has a really good chance of moving on.

I have been really impressed with Ohio State and they remain my pick to win the NCAA despite the scare xaiver gave them.

My Final Four is in tact and I'm sticking with my guns: Florida, UCLA, Texas A&M, UNC.

I picked UNC and Florida, and UNC after that. Any of those 4 can win it (Florida has proven such :shades: )

I picked exactly the same as you. UNC-CH has so much depth and talent, I think they’ll wear out anyone they face, as they did Saturday. When the other team is trying to catch their breath for the last 3-4 minutes of the game, and 5 fresh Tarheels come in the game, as talented as the ones taking a rest, it has to demoralize them.

The problem with North Carolina is that they can go cold from the outside at times. A slower tempo game gives them problems as well, which is what they will see from Georgetown if they meet.

Florida and Kansas are probably the best 2 teams overall, but UCLA could be a nightmare for Kansas. Ohio State probably saw their toughest matchup already (I knew Xavier would give them problems due to their ability to take Oden away from the basket with big guys who shoot the 3), but Texas A&M could beat them because of their defense and intangibles.

The one that will probably win is the evil light blue empire.

Tarheels… sorry after seeing *****-T take that mask off and put them on his back, all any team can hope for is a repeat performance by everyone not named Hansborough and Lawson. If those two can just get Wright and someone else to give them 10, they can beat anybody. I know you all believe Georgetown will slow them down, but if UNC speeds them up, they’re toast. When that team is on no one is going to beat them, sorry.

Florida hasn’t seen anyone with any real size so far and probably will not until the elite 8 at earliest.

Ohio St. is too young, and was lucky to escape the other day.

Kansas is the only team that could play Carolina at their own game and possibly beat them.

[QUOTE=CharSFNiners;225390]Tarheels… sorry after seeing *****-T take that mask off and put them on his back, all any team can hope for is a repeat performance by everyone not named Hansborough and Lawson. If those two can just get Wright and someone else to give them 10, they can beat anybody. I know you all believe Georgetown will slow them down, but if UNC speeds them up, they’re toast. When that team is on no one is going to beat them, sorry.

Florida hasn’t seen anyone with any real size so far and probably will not until the elite 8 at earliest.

Ohio St. is too young, and was lucky to escape the other day.

Kansas is the only team that could play Carolina at their own game and possibly beat them.[/QUOTE]

As I recall teams that play a nice halfcourt game, with a good post player gives Chapel Hill fits. Hibbert/Green will eat up the post.

Plus, did you see how many backdoor cuts Eastern Kentucky was able to get on in that game? That will be multiplied by 10 with Georgetown.

honestly i feel like georgetown is the only team that can run with carolina. thats just opinion after watching both teams so far.

Florida will win it all.

My final four is Gtown, UF, UCLA and TAMU.

Only team I think that is good enough to beat UF is Georgetown, and only if their front court is on fire.

Outside of the obvious choices, Butler looks legit. If they can slow the game down and hit a few threes in the beginning of their 1 match-up, they could easily be in the Final Four.