Football Uniforms

Def need to use gold more. I love the old school gold basketball jerseys.[/quote]

THIS!! Gold home basketball uniforms are incredible. I love seeing highlights of the old Henry Williams late 80’s early 90’s days.[/quote]

Gold for Homecoming game only. GOLD DAY!

Def need to use gold more. I love the old school gold basketball jerseys.[/quote]

THIS!! Gold home basketball uniforms are incredible. I love seeing highlights of the old Henry Williams late 80’s early 90’s days.[/quote]

Would love to see gold alt uni’s for basketball and baseball, but I’m not sure how gold football jerseys would look with our plain white helmets. UCF looks OK.

Something like this for baseball:

I can’t stand gold uniforms. I like gold as an accent on our uniforms but that’s it.

Gold basketball jerseys are hot. We need those.

As far as a color scheme goes it’s going to be impossible to please everyone. While I do like gold unis, my main reason for supporting gold is because we are 49ers. For a school that’s constantly looking to build history, there’s a natural connection there (gold mineral/gold color) that I don’t think we fully utilize.

Unless our deal with Nike is better than typical, we’ll have 1 color home jersey, 1 white away jersey and 1 color of pants. Anything else is bonus.

The conversation isn’t just what the unis “will” be. I think many are talking about what they think they “should” be.

I’m sure gold will be used as trim for the home jerseys. Not sure how much of it we’ll see in the pants but since its hard to see on white, I’d imagine green will be the dominant trim color on the white jerseys.

Any leaks on what’s coming in? We have to be getting close to the revealing.


When I talked to Dan DeVos last (NIT game) they were still waiting on the uniforms to be “finaized”. So don’t expect them for the Spring Game.

[quote=“49RFootballNow, post:30, topic:27405”]When I talked to Dan DeVos last (NIT game) they were still waiting on the uniforms to be “finaized”. So don’t expect them for the Spring Game.[/quote]Coach Sykes said they are trying to get as much green on them as possible.


If they could have them available for sale at the spring game, in the words of the effervescent intellectual Forrest Gump, they would “make more money than Davey Crockett.”

…umkay…?[/quote]That’s all I got.

…umkay…?[/quote]That’s all I got.[/quote]

You’d think getting “green” on our uniforms wouldn’t be an issue. Does this mean they want SOLID green uniforms? I think I’d be ok with some white, gold and even black trim, over solid green or…God forbid!!!..differing shades of green.

Going by Coach Sykes Twitter account, it looks like they won’t be unveiled late May. Wonder if we can get replicas out to fans before 8-31-13?

…umkay…?[/quote]That’s all I got.[/quote]

You’d think getting “green” on our uniforms wouldn’t be an issue. Does this mean they want SOLID green uniforms? I think I’d be ok with some white, gold and even black trim, over solid green or…God forbid!!!..differing shades of green.[/quote]I’m sure there will be trim and some other colors.

Going by Coach Sykes Twitter account, it looks like they won’t be unveiled late May. Wonder if we can get replicas out to fans before 8-31-13?[/quote]

Not sure why something like UNIFORMS would take this long to finalize; but the perfect time to have introduced them would have been April 20th. Now there is legitimate reasons to doubt they’ll be available for sell on August 31st.

From a marketing perspective, May/Jun is the perfect time to do this… It will be a reason to be in the news during a normal down period for Charlotte sports related news. That being said I’m sure somethign got screwed up ans thats the reason for May/June

Spring game gets pub own it’s own, uniform reveal will be a moment that should be on its own.