2021-22 MBB - Monmouth @ Charlotte, 11/9 7:00 PM CUSA.tv

Listened to Butler in the postgameā€¦ He is 100% bought in, and more than willing to be unselfish.

Will see how this plays out. But I would like to see the offense look a lot better. I feel like we have a DC playing head coach, and it shows.

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I was impressed with our D for like 75% of the game but we gotta learn to step on their necks when we get them down. Talent is there.

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Agreed. The talent is thereā€¦and depth is there. But itā€™s being Sanchezed.

Agreed. Talent is there, but we need to push that lead to thirty after it gets to 15. We need stomp on their necks, see all hope drain from their eyes, crush them, see them driven before us and hear the lamentation of the women and children.

Seriously though, no killer instinct. Need to finish.

Papas seemed like sort of punk and was talking to the crowd after making a three pointer and one.
Tried unsuccessfully to simulate a foul like a Davidson player on the last shot. Perhaps would have been better off actually trying to make the shot. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Young, Trapp, Butler, Braswellā€¦ thatā€™s a solid 1-4 right there. Iā€™m telling you, if Sanchez canā€™t get this team to top 75-100ā€¦ he wonā€™t ever.

Our shots didnā€™t fall tonight and we still won. The shooting % were bad except for FT. Young had an off night shooting and we still won. I think itā€™s too early to criticize Sanchezā€™s possible new offense. There were a lot of missed open looks.

Did Braswell get injured that I didnā€™t see. Where was he in the 2nd half at the end of the game? We could have used in the 2nd half what he gave in the 1st half.

Threadgill needs less minutes. Braswell and Garcia needs some of his. I didnā€™t think young, Trapp, butler & Threadgill was a good lineup. I suppose if Threadgill was shooting lights out I wouldnā€™t have said this. He just doesnā€™t look like a good D1 player at the moment. I hope he finds his shot.

Khalifaā€¦ I was pleasantly surprised by him. He wasnā€™t too bad like our previous freshman projects have been. He looks like he can play but now he just needs to get much much stronger. He was being pushed around too much. I think he could be a solid player though in the future. But 0-4 from 3pt range and his first three fg attempts were 3 pointers?


Wouldnā€™t you like to give this team to Lee Rose or Jeff Mullins!?

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Man, watching this game mad me sad. I just sat there in the second half shaking my head thinkingā€¦ Taking Heads (Same as it ever was). I better not say anymore it will get negative. Mike Hill you need to watch this year hard, unobjectively. I know Coach Sanchez is a friend of yours.


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How did the one ref not give the other coach and Reid a tech? The Monmouth HC King Rice looked like he was basically about to kill that ref. Like bucking up his chest implying letā€™s go. Really odd. Was a bit uncomfortable to see. Iā€™m guessing that was a green ref maybe and didnā€™t want call it to impact the game since it was close but they appeared to cross the line.

If Young has his typical game, we would have won going away. I was impressed with Khalifa, Trapp, Butler and Braswell. When Jallow returns from his injury that will give us more depth .

I missed Sanchezā€™s postgame comments so I donā€™t know if the Brice Williams injury situation was addressed. Williams could have an impact with his three point shooting when he is healthy (unless he read shirts).

There were some concerning trends left over from last year like not being able to hold leads and close out games. I believe this group can clean that up.

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King Rice, looked like a lunatic from where I was sitting. Did it come across as bad on the feed?

Should have started the message GLAD WE WON, that is the most important thing.

Chapel Hill whiner. JR, too. Iā€™m glad we donā€™t have to play those jerks very often.

They played off his antics as jokes.

Williams was not discussed.

We need more shooters on this team. If Young doesnā€™t have his stroke we are gonna ride the struggle bus all game long.

And fwiwā€¦Iā€™d be ok if Khalifa never took another 3pointerā€¦ever. He passes great but the shot isnā€™t there. In the first half he shot them like he was Demon Brownā€¦inbounding with 3secs left looked like a set play for him to shoot a 3. Uggggh.

And Threadgill is disappointingā€¦first 3 attempt an airballā€¦and he doesnā€™t even look like a shooter. Shoots hunchbacked. Does he light it up in practice?? If he canā€™t shootā€¦where does he help us??


I dont think Monmouth is a good team but they arenā€™t bad either. We needed to put them away when we were up 15, but let them back in it. I felt our offensive flow was better than most of what we have seen out of Ron. We pushed the ball and got into offensive sets quicker. We took a lot of three but most of them were in the offense not last minute heaves as we have grown accustom to. We shall see if the shooting is a long term thing or if they come around. I will also say they picked up some garbage point - at least 10 on balls that just bounced their way. We also won on a night when Jahmir had an off night.

I feel cautiously good about the start. Need to tighten up the D and hit some of those open looks.

Brice - I am curious what his injury status is. With the talent we have in Butler and Trapp I am sure that would cut into his minutes and we likely need him after those guys leave. The Threadgill minutes have me perplexed though. Not sure why he got so many. It is also nice to have bigmen than can pass.

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At the end of the year I think this will end up being a good win from a resume standpoint. IMO Monmouth is just as good if not better than Georgia. I think they will be better than people think.

If you would have told me before the game that Jamir would shoot 4-17 and we would still I would have thought you were crazy. We were getting wide open looks but we were just missing them. Evan Youngā€™s drives into the paint were not falling late in the game.

I was happy to see Vasic get some minutes. He deserves it after the last few years he has had. think Threadgill should move to the bench and Braswell should get his minutes. The only unknown at this point is how Jallow will play into the rotation when he is back healthy.

Oh, and when was the last time we were able to throw the ball into the post and get points. Khalifa was causing mismatches in the post all night.

In all fairness, most of those 3s were end of shot clock heaves. Not on him.


Blew a 15 point lead and almost lost on a last second shot. But we won. Iā€™ll take it and move on