2022 Conference USA Baseball Tournament (ESPN+ & CBS Sports)

It was a bold strategy starting Michelson as the opener to give them a different look for the first few innings. Almost worked out perfectly if we hadn’t made some errors behind him. LaTech didn’t see him last week. At worst we should be only down 2-0 after 3.

I expect to see Goose the rest of the way, whenever we get to play again.

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Thanks, for the reasonable response Mr. Bo.

UV, I didn’t say anything…LOL

LOL. He just agreed with me in a nicer way. Mr Bo is tactful. I ain’t.
If you continue to unjustly blame specific individuals (in this case it was Woody), I’ll continue to call you on it.
Besides, its fun messing with you :innocent:

We’ve scored enough runs to win several more games this year and be in the tourney. Bullpen has to get better and we need to be better in the field. Hopefully it’ll come sooner instead of later

Oh boy yeah…you really got me there…you seem to have serious issues but im up for your bs if thats what you want. Bring it.

Careful Hootie…4ever might call you out for any hint of negativity…doesn’t matter how big a fan you are, cause he is clueless.

Any weather updates?

They’re back! Dragum singles. Fisher KO’s. Gibson continues on the mound for La Tech.

B4 now,still 0-4.

LT pitchers just seem to have our number. Frustrating to watch so far.

Pitching change! Here’s our chance!

Giestng looking really good…come on bats!!

Only bright spot so far, Giesting striking out 8 of 12 batters he has faced!

Our bats have disappeared…their staff is good, but im not sure theyre as good as we continue to make them look. These early deficits seem to really tighten our guys up.

4th through 9th, batting 0-17

Not sure ive ever seen as many pop ups as we have hit tonight.

If I’m not mistaken, we have not been shut out all year. La Tech pitching has been very good tonight.

Without looking, i think u are correct.

We kept taking 3rd strikes and swinging at ball 4.

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