2023 Baseball Week 6 - USC @ Truist Field, DBU series @ the Hayes. All games (ESPN+)

I hate South Carolina. It’s always a great day when they lose and an especially great day when we beat them.

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Same weekend rotation as last weekend.

For baseball games can you park anywhere on campus or are their certain lots and garages and is parking free? Thanks!

The best thing to do is to park in the CRI Deck. They have kiosks at the stadium that you can scan your card to validate your parking.

On weekend games, you could try the circle lot next to football, but spots are premium there.


Don’t know the name of the deck, but it’s the one used for parking for Halton and the soccer matches. Was told by the athletic department that per their arrangement, it is open for parking on game days and that security will not ticket during those times, even though it is posted otherwise.

That would be the West Deck, I think. Pretty stout walk back from Hayes Stadum, since its up hill.
I’d stick with CRI.


Expecting a good crowd this weekend. The weather has warmed up and now we have that win over a top 25 P5 that everyone wanted. Stop by the tailgate and say hello tomorrow. :call_me_hand:


This is a big series. Could be a major factor in who wins the regular season. Hope we have a good crowd. I’ve heard that our fans show up after marquee wins. Lets see.


Parking info:

Please see below for campus parking information for baseball games. All parking information can be found at Charlotte49ers.com/parking.

Weekday Games

  • Parking is free starting 1 ½ hours before each game.
  • Lot 23 (Google Maps Link - North & West side of Richardson Stadium along Phillips Road)
  • CRI Deck (Google Maps Link)
    • Fans parking in the CRI Deck will receive a parking ticket from the machine when they enter the deck. Fans must take this ticket to the baseball or softball stadium where kiosks will be located for fans to validate their parking ticket.

Saturday & Sunday Games

Parking is first come, first serve. Those parking in CRI Deck will still need to validate their parking ticket to exit the deck.

Accessible Parking

A limited number of handicap spaces are available for game day parking in Lot 23A & Lot 23

If the other spaces are full, dedicated disability parking is also located in the CRI Deck (Google Maps Link). If using the CRI Deck, enter from Level 4 and proceed to Level 1 parking or take the elevator to Level 1. See accessible pathway via Google Maps.

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does buying tickets at the stadium save on the fees?

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Don’t remember how big these guys are until you see them out there amongst our other athletes.

Cosentino (#53) is 6’3. Aly still makes him look small.

Hopsons lack of ability to throw anyone out has become quite an obvious problem. Its costing us runs on a regular basis and Hudepohl getting hit hard today. Meanwhile, our batters making Ryan Johnson look like Nolan Ryan.

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Down 5-2 and counting in the T7. Theyre stealing bases literally as soon as they get on base. All 5 runs have come from a baserunner who stole a base.